Tuesday, June 29, 2010

weird day.

today has been such a weird day.

i had a really weird dream last night. i can't remember it all, but it entailed me being in a support group with a bunch of girls- some of which i knew. i can't remember them all now- but i know that mary kate (one of my freshman year roommates) was there. caitlin might have been there too. and maybe my friend liz? i really don't remember. but i do remember that i felt weird about being in the support group. i didn't want to share. everyone was expecting me to- but i wouldn't. oh, i also think my therapist was the group facilitator. it just got weirder and weirder. i keep trying to remember more of it- it's right at the tip of my memory. but then it's gone. i don't know what the group was for. or why i wouldn't participate. but i woke up and felt very uncomfortable. like a lot of people were staring at me and i just wanted to be left alone. that's a weird way to wake up- let me tell you.

work was busy today. 8 clients in 7.5 hours. i also managed to read some of a nytimes from last thursday. there's a whooping cough outbreak in california among latino children. in case you didn't know. also, a rise in sexual assaults in haiti since the earthquake. i learn new things everyday reading the nytimes.
oh! i also got a call about a job interview! that was exciting. i haven't really had time to look for jobs this week- but i did apply to a few last week (or the week before?) and i finally got a call! the interview is mon. july 12th. the job is working at penn- sp2 (my graduate school). but i don't want to say too much about it. because a) i don't really know much about the job yet. and b) i don't want to jinx it. so i'll just leave it at that.

Then. after work, i spoke to a lot of people- caught up with matt, auntie mo, and my mom (well, i talk to my mom all the time so i don't know if i can say we 'caught up'). and i came to exton. where i am currently typing on colin's computer (it's a mac, thank goodness).
this is my first mid-week sleepover. and i feel weird about it. like i'm going to miss something at home (ummm no. there is nothing to miss. but that's how i feel). it's just kind of weird. he is great, and we are having fun. i just don't know how well i'm going to be able to sleep. it always takes me a little while to get comfortable sleeping somewhere new.
oh, and his apartment is a total 24 year old boy's apartment.

weird day. between waking up and going to bed- a whole range of activities and emotions occurred. i probably just need to just let it go and relax. but we'll see how well i can do that.

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