Tuesday, June 8, 2010


today has been the weirdest day.

i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. i knew it immediately.
work was strained. i felt burnt out by 11am. luckily my afternoon was light and the end of the day arrived before i knew it. also, sherri was totally supportive today.
and i find that the universe has a way of knowing just when you have had enough. because just when i felt so tired and frustrated, i had a really good session with a client. a very interesting client. and it made me feel a little bit better.
then, my last client of the day came in and announced that she is finally starting to feel better. she leaves the house more, is trying to be more social and her depression is lifting a little day by day. and she said that she hears my voice in her head motivating her to get up and go everyday. (not in a hallucinatory way, in a normal motivational way). my voice! i swear i almost cried right there. because on days when i am irritable and feeling useless and frustrated, i am reminded of why i do what i do. and it makes all the difference.

i rounded out the day by going to see my therapist, whom i love. followed by a random trip to anthropologie- where i may have done a little retail therapy (not officially recommended as a therapeutic tool, by the way) and went to a truly delicious korean bbq restaurant for dinner with colin- who is funny and interesting and nice to be around.

and i kind of forgot the mood i was in all the way back this morning.

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