Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 81

it's sunday night. a day of reflection, if you will. so i'm going to take this time to say that today is day 81 of my 90 in 90 project.

how fucking crazy is that?!
in the grand scheme of things 90 days is not a very long time in my life. but i actually feel like i've been learning and doing a lot in the past 81 days. and i have 9 more days of contractual blogging/gyming to complete the project.

so what do i want to do in the next 9 days?

well, i'm going to go to the gym a few times this week. my weekends have been busy lately so i have to find time during the week. hopefully i'll go see audria and the babies at some point.
i'm hanging out with colin on friday, and going up to new york saturday-monday.
i would like to try and blog some more- in more of the 'writing exercise' variety. i feel like a lot of my posts have been short and to the point lately. i haven't written about anything in particular. which is ok, but i want to try and do some more productive writing. i may just do that in a journal for myself. i haven't decided yet.
i'm also thinking about what i want to do once my 90 in 90 is over! should i take up running? look into a class or something i might find interesting? sit back and relax for the rest of summer? i won't give up going to the gym. or blogging, actually. i just won't feel obligated to do one or both at least once a day. which means probably fewer late night posts and perhaps a little more sleep for me.

speaking of- this weekend- while katie, andy and i didn't do much, per-say, i am exhausted. taking care of a baby is hard. so i'm going to go pass out now, and be grateful that i live alone and only have to take care of myself and gizmo.

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