Thursday, June 17, 2010

do better

today wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.

work was crazy. maybe a bit crazier than usual. i was able to handle it, and when i got tired and fed up at the very end, my client's five year old son came in and hugged my leg. he then gave me a small pinwheel. to keep. who can complain after something like that happens?

i came home, and did some emotional eating- but it was maoz, so i can tell myself that it's 'healthy'. honestly i was craving maoz. they have amazing hummus. seriously. its good. i even asked for 'extra hummus' in my salad box instead of their overcooked slice of eggplant. it was worth it.

i had made myself an appointment at the genius bar at the apple store in KOP mall. my ipod touch, which was a christmas present, stopped playing music through headphones. i ended up with a brand new ipod touch (it was under warranty)- which is fun. although i now have to reload it to my specifications. but i threw in a new fancy case for it. and left feeling like a rockstar. well, one with a new ipod touch anyway...

and i ended up in supervision with shirley. i realized today that i have a therapist who i pay to complain about my life. and a supervisor who i pay to complain about my job. i love both of them. i don't think i could do without them in the long run. but honestly? i do a lot of complaining. to my credit, i think i do try and make positive changes when they are suggested. and everyone needs to vent. it's just funny to think about- i'm a therapist, and i have my own entourage of people i pay to keep me going.

so what i've decided to take away from today is that i need to do better. i'm becoming increasingly unhappy at work. so i need to work harder to get a new job. i tend to do emotional things- like eating and spending money. so i need to set myself a budget and really stick to it. and i need to go start working out instead of eating emotionally. i need to do a better job of taking care of myself and setting myself up for positive things in the future. this is the only part of the plan i've developed so far. the rest (as in, the actual steps to this positive future) will have to come in time.
in the meantime i will sit and spin my pinwheel, and try and focus on the good things.

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