Monday, June 14, 2010


it appears that my apartment, which was gutted and redone before we bought the place, was created to only last for about three years. things have started falling apart at a ridiculous rate.

first, the washing machine breaks every six months. it is currently broken, and has been for going on three months. there is no word on when it will be fixed. this is old news.

then the stove/oven went. gas leak, led to me calling an appliance repair place- and three weeks later, me calling a second appliance repair place because the first one never called me back about the parts for my fucking stove. the second repair person is coming on wednesday morning. apparently, whoever chose the appliances for this building chose a stove range that is a random brand that few people service and apparently it is hard to get parts for. great. thanks for that contractors.

finally, i realized this morning that there is a real problem with the water pressure in my apartment. i thought it was a fluke on friday, but realized today in the shower that it is indeed a reoccuring problem. i usually have a nice shower- lots of pressure, just the way i like it. both the bathroom and kitchen sinks are low in pressure, and totally annoying. luckily, i got evelyn on the case, and she called the management company, who is sending a plumber out tomorrow to hopefully fix that right up.


at least the roof is no longer leaking. that was fixed (after three separate visits by roofers over the course of two years). but i still have not gotten around to fixing my ceiling, so it's not looking its best. plus, i haven't vacuumed in a week or two. so gizmo's hair is floating around like tumbleweeds across the desert of my floor.

this is ridiculous. i feel like i'm squatting in my own apartment because things are becoming more and more useless. thank god the cable still works.
i need to get this shit together- and fast.

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