Saturday, June 26, 2010

molly molly munchkin pie

it is kind of an amazing feeling to hold a little baby and have her fall asleep in your arms.
it is also rather exhausting.
i've only been staying with katie and andy for the weekend- and molly isn't even my baby- yet i am tired from helping to take care of her. i'm trying to be a help. i've changed her, i hold her, i rock her to sleep. we're old pros at napping together, me and molly. i'm just trying to do anything that helps katie out for a little while. its a drop in the bucket, but it's something.

and she is amazing. sure, she cries and can be fussy. but that's all babies. she is also smiley, inquisitive and squirmy. she loves being rocked- like really rocked. she likes constant motion. so we've done many laps around the house, danced around to some janet jackson. and just swayed back and forth. back and forth. she is warm and gooey and delicious. i just want to eat her up- molly molly munchkin pie.
she has katie's mouth, and maybe her eyes. i also believe that she has katie's chin- but katie doesn't seem convinced. she appears to have andy's nose, and his ears. still no word on what the final eye or hair colors will be. right now the eyes are a grayish blue. the hair could be a strawberry blonde. it could also go brunette.

yesterday, when i was standing in the living room holding molly, i was rocking her and talking to katie and andy. and we were talking about college, and i was struck with the notion that when i met katie- 10 years ago this fall, i never thought about the day i would arrive at her house and hold her baby. its not like i never thought she would have a baby, i just think that back then i wasn't thinking this far ahead. it seemed like such a distant future that i never imagined it in detail. and yet here i am. i walked in yesterday and said 'hand her over', so excited to meet this little munchkin. so far she is living up to expectations. i don't mind her crying. i love it when she smiles. so far she's been nice and has spit up pointed away from me. she's been very hospitable.

katie and andy are great parents. they are trying to be realistic. they don't make it look like sunshine and rainbows. i appreciate that honesty. i wish i could be of more help, or be able to offer any good advice- but what the hell do i know.
so instead i hold molly. we rock back and forth. we give katie time to shower. andy time to read the economist. we bond. me and molly.
molly molly munchkin pie.

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