Sunday, June 6, 2010

sunday night ramblings

it's sunday night, and i feel slightly ill. i was fighting off a cold last week, and then went to a really fun house party in manayunk last night followed by a hot day today of hung-over eating and lounging in the heat watching the philly bike race. good for the soul, bad for my attempt at healthy living.

i got back around 4 this afternoon and took the best shower ever- mainly because i felt so groddy that i couldn't wait to shower and wash away the grime. i realized i am spoiled by my central air. spending almost 24 hours in houses with window box air conditioners that were not actually in the same room as me- i mean, if i thought i was melting yesterday afternoon, i was a puddle on the floor by this afternoon.
thankfully i had nice clean towels to come home to- and i brushed my teeth and washed away all the grime.
and promptly put on my hamilton tshirt and shorts. oddly enough, it wasn't until laura called me tonight that i realized i got this very shirt a year ago at my five year reunion. i can't believe it was a year since i was back at hamilton having what was a truly random and fun weekend of memories. and yet- arielle and ben's one year anniversary was last weekend. so time does indeed fly. whether you're having fun or not. (thankfully i think this past year has been pretty fun- most of the time)

i spent tonight reading- a book that i already have mixed feelings about and i'm not even a third of the way through yet. its a 'psychological thriller' that i think at the time i bought it i thought was more of a more serious 'chick lit' novel. but it involved attempted murders and abortion clinics and failing marriages. its really...a downer. and yet i feel guilty putting it aside because i spent money on it so i feel i should read it and see how it turns out. even if i have to force myself. lesson learned. i do not like 'psychological thrillers about abortion doctors who have marital issues'. depresso.

plus i have some family stuff going on- with my grandparents down in florida and my dad acting like a bizarre one dimensional character in a bad book about 'how not to act when your parents are getting old and sick'. and i find i don't have the energy to really deal with it. lecturing my dad on how to be a better child/responsible adult is depressing. not to mention i have had to do it before, with mixed results. i feel more numb this time- like maybe if i choose not to get involved my dad will realize on his own that he needs to do better. silly diana- that is not what will happen. but perhaps i will just let arielle do all the lecturing this time.

i just feel kind of sad. which puts a damper on my fun, productive and social weekend. but hey- it's sunday night, so i should have expected as much.
here's hoping this week is fun and productive- and i can hold on to a positive outlook to carry me to next weekend when i'm venturing to uncle ron's house in the berkshires! maybe reading a more uplifting book would help...

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