Saturday, June 5, 2010

i'm melting

oh my god. its so hot i'm melting. there is no point in wearing makeup, or even wearing clothes. (i am in fact wearing clothes...i'm just saying)

i'm blogging from the perlstein home today! autumn and aaron have graciously allowed me to take over their house while they're in orlando visiting aaron's parents. i'm catching up on laundry (towels are in the dryer as we speak) and was able to cook some pasta with veggies to stick in my fridge and take to work for lunch during the week. thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to get this stuff done!!

also- i'm watching Wall Street. i have a few things to say about it. firstly, when i was in the other room, and charlie sheen was talking- i could have sworn it was emilio estevez in the mighty ducks. i know they are brothers, so that makes sense- but i never really thought they were that similar before. charlie sheen is just so....sleazy. is this movie the beginning of his sleaziness? or was he sleazy before and that's why he works so well in this movie? it's an interesting plot. charlie sheen has a scummier melanie griffith in working girl thing going on. darryl hannah shows up as an interior decorator/girlfriend- and is responsible for one of the ugliest high-end apartments i've ever seen. even for the 80s. michael douglas plays an excellent greedy villain. i am almost looking forward to the sequel. however, i've been thinking about continuity- and i know in the second movie carey mulligan plays gordon gekko's daughter. which is all fine and good, except that in the first movie he has a son named rudy....and no daughter. how are they going to explain that? there are ten minutes left of the movie- maybe it'll explain itself. oh- charlie sheen's character is getting arrested now, and is crying like a baby. now he's getting his ass kicked by michael douglas in the park. is he wearing a wire? he totally is wearing a wire! hmm now its over. what's weird is that we never see either of the characters go to jail. it ends with charlie sheen walking into the court house. that's kind of weird.

ok wow. i did not mean for this to be a budget recap of wall street. but oh well. my life's not really that interesting right now anyway. i'm almost 60 days into this project, and going strong!

ok time for me to get my act together and head back over to my place. i'm headed to a party over in manayunk tonight which should be fun. and tomorrow i may go up to jersey city to hang out with some family and sit my the pool at my dad's apartment. you know what that means.....floppy hat!

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