Wednesday, April 28, 2010

what a difference a day makes

ah yesterday, you had such promise. seriously- it was a good tuesday. filled with hope and potential job opportunities. work wasn't too bad, and i got all cultural after work seeing a play with ben! tuesday, i have fond memories of you.

and then there was today.

it started with me getting up early to go to the gynecologist. exactly.
you'd think that any day that started with a pap smear could only get better, right? well, you'd be half right. i mean, it's not like it got worse exactly. it was just one long day of unfortunate things. (and actually, my gynecologist is really nice and does his exams pretty painlessly)

work was long and annoying. i had little energy. i ate too many fiber bars.
and most disappointing, the two job prospects i had didn't pan out. one was a potentially cool job at penn that turned out to be an entry level job i was way overqualified for.
the other is a job in providence. its a great job. it just doesn't pay quite as much as i already make. and you know, it's in providence. so that one would involve....moving.
i like providence. it could be fun to live there- but not for less money than i currently make. right? (no i'm serious- give me your opinion)
it makes me sad. but its also just annoying- because i want a new, good job.

however. i am going to try and continue to stick with this karma thing. i need to try and stay positive. sure, i was a total crankypants today and i ate a huge ice cream sundae for dinner (thanks for meeting me leslie). but maybe tomorrow will be better?

a lot can happen in a day.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Well, I'm a fan of Providence, you know that. And Jared's there. And there's this place called paragon that has amazing french fries. And I think that if you like the job, you shoudl do a cost of living analysis, bc it might be equivalent (Prov is way cheaper). And if I visited you, we could sneak onto campus parties and pretend like we're undergrads again. I can't do that with Steph bc she has a kid now. Love you, bye.