Friday, April 9, 2010

one day at a time

i made it! i bet some of you thought i was going to fail before i even got going. i would be included in that group. things are busy. this is going to be hard. however, i've gotten a lot of really nice support. so thanks, guys. i'm going to stick with it!

here's a rule i just came up with though: if i post something after midnight (like for instance, it's now 11:29 but depending on how long this takes it may not go up til 12:02) then it still counts for today- friday april 9th- because it was friday when i started the post. and i'm one of those people who doesn't count the day change until i go to bed and then wake up to a new day.
plus, this is my project. so i get to make the rules. got that? ok.

now, earlier this evening i already found myself saying "what if i run out of things to write about. what if i have nothing to say". i will point out that this is day 2 of this experiment (pathetic). i'm already overwhelming myself into disappointment. thankfully, i was out at mimi's fake bachelorette party and she told me "you're an addict. you have to go one day at a time".
touche, mimi.

so here i am.
*(for some reason the song 'take me the way i am' from rent just popped into my head. this is very random considering i hardly ever think about the show rent anymore, because it's no longer 1996)*

...friday nights are always interesting. i'm usually tired from the week, especially this week because we got really busy at the end there...but there's also some excitement for the 48 hours of totally free time ahead of you. it's like- it's friday! we get 2 whole days off! i wonder what i will do with this freedom! i, of course, usually end up watching a movie on my couch and staying up way too late just because i can. dicking around the apartment and moving things around in the spirit of 'cleaning up'. and then i sigh because i am very relaxed but totally antisocial.

not today though! no. today was an unusually busy friday at work- i actually left 10 minutes late (a rarity for me on a friday) and had to haul ass home to find a parking spot and run over to my wax appointment, where i shmoozed with my waxer/bff jenne and then hightailed it to roosevelt's for mimi's shindig. (wow, that was a lot of tacky words in one run-on sentence). we proceeded to go out and have a few beers, played some erotic photo hunt, got some pizza, learned about native americans in minnesota and was still home in time to get this blog done on time! seriously- what an exciting friday! (and did you know that lincoln hanged somewhere between 8 and 12 native americans in the twin cities? neither did i- thanks liz!)

and the best part about it is i still have 2 more days for fun and relaxation! glorious! oh, and the weather cooled down again so i can sleep with the window open and revel in the amazingly cool breeze while i'm snuggled under my blanket. also glorious....i hope some of you can do the same.

2 days down, 88 to go! :)

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

omg i LOVE erotic photo hunt!!