Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book Worm

i can count on one hand the number of books i've started to read but not finished. i have a thing about just putting books aside. although i might be leaning towards rethinking that personal policy. but probably not.
i also used to be someone who read one book at a time, start to finish. and fairly quickly, i might add. that also is slowly melding into a habit of having two or three books by my bed, and reading whichever one i'm in the mood for. i admit, that happens more when i am reading nonfiction, because it might not pull me in quite like a novel, and therefore even though it's interesting it takes me longer to read.
i have noticed though that i am taking longer to read books these days. i still volley back and forth between fiction and nonfiction, but it feels like it's taking...longer. and halfway through i'm already planning what in my ever-growing pile of 'to read' books i will start next. i don't know how i feel about this.

i dont know when i first started to love books. i guess my parents read to us a lot, and so it was natural to read when i needed something to do. Or before bed. or in the back seat of the car on a long drive. but reading has definitely become something i do everyday. it boggles my mind when people say they don't read. really? why not? what do you do before bed? don't you feel like you're missing out on knowing things? i just don't get it.

today, i was walking home when i stopped in to a cool independent book shop in headhouse square. i told myself i was just browsing, but i have a weakness for books, and independent cute little bookstores. and oops i bought 2 books to add to my 'to read' pile. i will probably die before i finish getting through the pile. the longest i've gone without buying any books was 5 1/2 months- last year when i made it a new years resolution to go 6 months without buying books. i almost made it too....but even then i didn't make it all the way through the 'to read' pile. although i did make quite a dent. but it's been built back up since i went back to buying books. plus, larry bought me at least 4 books for christmas this year- which was totally awesome. but i still have only read one or two of them. actually, one of those presents is next on my list: the Help, by kathryn somebody. it's supposedly amazing. if i ever get through Shakespeare's Wife (which i might have to add to my short list of books put away halfway through) and Animals in Translation (which is actually really interesting)- i'll dive right in to the Help with reckless abandon. :)

And just so you know, i buy most of my books on amazon. i realize that you can't have an addiction to books without buying them cheap and used most of the time. i keep a wish list on amazon so i can keep track of books i want to eventually buy. today i actually purchased one of them! (bird by bird, by anne lamott). the wish list is public, so you can look at if you're interested (not that you would be, but i feel like i'd probably look at someone's wish list of books some random night when i was at home and browsing the internet). Feel free to make suggestions.

What are you reading?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am currently reading "The Art of Eating In". I started out liking it a lot because of the concept but so far I'm kind of finding it boring. There are recipes in it tho that I'd like to try - including BREAD from SCRATCH! Who am I???