Monday, April 26, 2010

Marc Banks, I think you might be Dead

you never call, you haven't written in almost two weeks (granted, you did tell me why you weren't going to recap last week's american idol). but still. WHERE ARE YOU.

marc, i feel like you are involved in this process with me, since you were there at it's inception. and you have had no time to talk to me!! you haven't even really given me any feedback on all of this! all i get are snippets of you calling on your way to the gym. or telling me that you got my message but have no time to talk. or saying you have things to talk to me about, but no time to talk to me. and lately i haven't even gotten that!

IS EVERYTHING OK? perhaps you are holed up with nick? discussing your future? or your kids at school are keeping you hostage in your classroom and away from personal technology devices? or you got locked out of your apartment and have moved in with the hobo around the corner? (is there a hobo around the corner?)

and you know, calling me tonight and not leaving a message- not cool. it made me think that maybe you got mugged just as you were about to explain what happened to you and now you're being held hostage in the sewer system of boston.
you should know by now what kind of imagination i have- so put me out of my misery and CALL ME BACK!


kelly said...

ok, it's fairly well known that I might be your biggest blog fan. (how else are you supposed to stay in touch with friends from HS except read their blog?) but this post I don't really like. cause what if Marc Banks did get mugged or is really dead? Then, on top of being devastated, you'd feel like an asshole.

DW said...

he's not dead. he recapped this week's american idol for me in an email. and he hasn't even seen this post yet.

but you're right- if something had happened to him i would have felt like a shmuck.

Marc said...

I'm alive and mugging. No mysterious death. :)

Unknown said...

In honor of marc's demise (this time he didn't follow my path... you know by dying early), I thought I'd write and acrostic poem!

Amazing at getting back to people
Really #2 in the Mr Southside award
Could he be MORE fit?

Bi-LARIOUS, black, BESTy!
Actually not dead
Keeps pecs in shape for diana
Seriously, WHERE ARE YOU?

Love matt!