Saturday, May 1, 2010

i might as well face it, i'm addicted, shopping?

hello again!

there are a few things i want to talk about. the first is that this 90 in 90 project is really working. i'm about three weeks in and i feel like i'm assimilated this into my daily life rather easily. Everyday i think to myself 'ok what am i gonna do today? blog or gym. how does this fit in to my schedule for the day'. i have this fear that one day i'm just going to forget. (actually, i did almost forget just now b/c i came home from hanging out with ben and got caught up watching 'away we go' and realized it was 11:15 and i needed to get something posted- but i did think about it earlier in the day and have been thinking about what to write about). so yeah, anyway. i'm kind of proud of myself. it's only been three weeks, but i haven't given up yet! and i think that's kinda cool.

onto what i did today. shopped! if you didn't pick up on it already, my ban on shopping until i lose weight didn't quite stick (hey, you can't win 'em all). i'm still trying to lose weight- in my own strange half-hearted way. but i can't resist trying to spruce up my wardrobe. if i'm gonna be a little fat, at least i can be dressed nicely. and i got an email this morning saying that the entire LOFT store was 40% off. i haven't really shopped at loft in a long time, so i decided to take the walk over to liberty place and take a look-see. and i liked what i saw! i tried on a million things, and got three tops, a fun sundress (in green, i didn't have a green dress yet) and a denim mini-skirt (jury is still out on the mini-skirt. i might not be able to get away with it). but it was fun!! and i'm super excited about the tops, because in case you don't live in the philly area- the weather got really hot this weekend. and summers are usually hot and kind of disgusting. and i needed some new tops that i can wear out (like on dates or out with friends) and i'm very excited to start wearing them! oh, i also went to banana and got a pair of shorts- my first pair of shorts in like 10 years or something ridiculous. i can't even remember the last time i bought shorts. but these are grey and they're stylish yet comfortable. so a good purchase, i think.

anyway- the last thing i wanted to mention was this thing i was thinking about while laying in washington square park earlier. we were talking about boys, as we are wont to do, and i was telling him about this date that i'm supposed to have tomorrow. although i dont think it's actually happening because the guy is being all flaky and weird. first he was available, so i planned something (going to lunch and the roller derby, which is a pretty fucking great first date if you ask me) and then he was all excited, but had to bail b/c of a family party. and then he was back on the scene saying he got the date wrong for the family party and was still around. i said 'alright- well lucky for you my sunday afternoon is still free, text me to figure things out'. that was this morning. i did not receive a text. so are we hanging out? are we not? what's your Damage, dude? this is not a good first impression, and we haven't even met yet! if i were hearing this story i'd say to whoever was telling it that this guy sounded like a flake and she should be weary of him being a douche. or just not really available in general. and to maybe forget it b/c if he can't even commit to a first date then where does that really leave you? but me? i'm willing to just sit around and see if he's gonna text me. why do i allow that to go on? it's like the fact that he's not being available or too eager to make plans is a turn on. how fucked up is that? its so cliche, but i like the assholes. are you nice and eager to date me? turn off. are you kind of a douche and non-commital? attractive. THAT IS MESSED UP. I AM MESSED UP.

i promptly came home and watched 'away we go' on cable. its such an awesome movie. and i'm not just saying that because john krasinski is in it. its truly amazing. you should watch it. he tells her (his gf in the movie) that she is his light. and he will love her even if she gets fat and he can't even find her vagina. if that's not love....


Smelly said...

Two things:

1. I love how you worked "looksee" into a sentence.

2. I guess you're not calling him "Jim from the Office" any more?

A.S. said...

That was one of the movies I watched on Netflix recently and I liked it too!! The vagina comment totally reminded me of Paul - he is forever saying totally awkward things that other people take offense to (for me), but I think are actually endearing.