Friday, May 28, 2010

double feature

it's been kind of a long week. i was all angsty when i saw on facebook that so many people were getting out of work early or had four day weekends. and i thought to myself- what will make me feel better today?

i decided upon a double feature after work, with a popcorn dinner to go with it. i haven't done a double feature in a while, and with summer movies starting up- i have to start checking some movies off my list.
i'd love to say that i went to see summer action movies- because i definitely thought about it. but honestly, i ended up with two girly movies. i started with letters to juliet. both my mom and sister have seen it, and liked it (although telling me that it was cheesy- as to be expected). i decided that was just what i needed. and i think it was. who doesn't like watching movies unfold in italy? in verona! one of my favorite italian cities! girl meets boy, they hate each other immediately and slowly grow to love each other. kiss at end after confessing undying love- even though they've only known each other for a week. cause that always happens.
it was funny because letters to juliet has been out for a few weeks. and it was a 5:20 movie. this resulted in me being the only one in the theatre until right as the previews were starting. then two older ladies came in and i chatted with them about how crowded it was....we were pals. i was worried for a minute that they would sit in the row directly behind me- which would have been annoying. you have an Entire Theatre to ourselves and you choose to sit in the row directly behind the only other person in the theatre? weird. but i think they ended up 2 rows behind. more privacy...

anyway, i went for a between movie pee break, and a woman was crying in the stall next to me and just stayed in there for a while. it was weird.

so i moved on to a theatre down the hall where 'just wright' was starting. i figured i'd just make it a girly night. and honestly, i was excited to see just wright (starring queen latifah and common) at the riverview theatre- because its so ghetto that i knew the audience would be Involved with the movie (capital I). and it was like a block party in there! people were talking- loudly, to the screen. no one was obnoxious and like, on the phone or anything (thank goodness, that is the Worst). but it was like the movie was a long conversation we were all involved in. there were a lot of 'you tell him girl' 's and 'mhm' 'here it comes' 'damn'. it was amazing. i think the comments made the movie better. no offense to common, but you need to work on your acting skills. and also, you're kind of skinny.

i departed the theatre around 9pm and headed over to autumn and aaron's for a bit. no longer grumpy or annoyed. fully ready to embrace the long weekend.

3 day weekend- here i come!

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