Saturday, May 15, 2010

jeff and mimi get married, pt. 1

ok people. this is another one of those times where even though the time stamp says saturday, to me it's still friday night.

its not just any friday night- its the night before mimi and jeff get married!! i have spent today at a bridal luncheon with mimi and friends/family, and then at the rehearsal dinner and after dinner drinks with more family/friends!! and if today was any indication, this wedding is going to be a blow out.

mimi and jeff are two of my favorite people. maybe ever. when i first met jeff i said to mark (who is jeff's best friend and hence the one who introduced us) "i want to be friends with jeff. even if you're not around. he is cool."
a while later, when i met mimi, i liked her so much that i told leslie to go find her the next day (mimi and leslie work in labs on the same floor at penn) so that we could befriend her. (i suppose technically this was after the second time i met mimi, the first being at mark's faux thanksgiving- but that is neither here nor there.)

one of my favorite mimi and jeff facts/stories is that not only have they been together forever (since her freshman/his sophmore year of college) but they met at a party and while playing drinking games she made him drink. a lot. asserting her control right off the bat. i find this hysterical.

i love that they are getting married. and i love that i get to be there.

here's some of what happened tonight at the rehearsal dinner:
~ i very excitedly met mimi's older brother charles. who promptly thought i was crazy because i was so excited to meet him. but not only is he mimi's brother (who i've heard a lot about) but his name is charles. and i love that name. however, later in the evening he high-fived me. so i think we're friends now.
~i also excitedlly met jeff's dad. the last of the nick family that i had to meet. i secretly want jeff's family to adopt me a little bit. well, not so secretly, because i told jeff that after i met his dad. the Nick family is just so nice. his dad is funny and has done every job under the sun. and monica nick is always smiley and friendly and seems like she bakes cookies a lot.
~ruthie, mimi's mom (who i also adore) tried to scout out some men to set me up with. i love this woman, and i don't even mind that she's so into my love life. its supportive. she's southern. she can get away with it.
~i met some more of mark's 'prep' friends (prep is their all-boys high school in philly). one of his friends works for Prince Charming. i kid you not. (i would never have occurred to me to make that up). and he was charming.
~i drank white wine, something i don't usually do- but i was wearing a white dress and i was too afraid that i'd spill something on it. in hindsight four glasses was probably too many...

so now i'm off to drink water and go to bed. the real wedding starts at 3pm! so i have 14 hours to recoup and prepare for another night of fun.

1 comment:

Smelly said...

Do you like the name Charles because of Chuck Bass?