Sunday, April 18, 2010

maybe 'the secret' is true after all

i was trying to remember the words to the friends theme song, but all i can hear in my head is the party of five theme song that i heard on the radio a few days ago. random. and yet pertinent.

for a while i imagined my adult life to be like the one on friends. i would have a group of besties and we'd have a regular spot where we'd meet all the time after work or on weekends or something. a few years ago i felt somewhat disappointed because my life was not like that. i had friends but i was still kind of lonely. if you ask my therapist (or therapist-on-hold, as the case may be) she'd tell you i do my best when i'm social and scheduling things for myself to do. i tend to agree with her- we've done research on the issue.
and a funny thing happened recently. i woke up one day, looked around and realized i'm happy. my life is good. i mean, i could use a new job or some new and exciting hobby- but for the most part, my life is really good. i decided to stay in philly every weekend in april, thinking i could rest a lot and catch up on movies and stuff. but i haven't even had much time for movies- because i've been busy with friends and activities and fun! i have tons of friends here! we may not all hang out at a coffee shop, but i don't even drink coffee so who cares about that?

i think a lot about moving back to new york- changing things up, starting something new. it's an exciting idea, and if it works out then it works out. but i'm not running there or anything, because i'm happy here. and i'm happy here because i have a set of friends- people who care and are fun to be around and who do interesting things and make me laugh. and for that i am so grateful. it might have taken some time, but i feel like i've really made philly my home. and i'm happy about it. i'm just gonna go with it, because it feels right. i think i'm starting to just be more positive and believe that things happen for a reason, and that if you go with what feels right then you will get good things in return.

oh i just remembered the song! 'i'll be there for you!' with them all playing in the water fountain. cute. appropriate. friendly :)

....and another weekend comes to and end.


Anonymous said...

StillSwinging, stop all this navel-gazing and turn off the TV. Take a risk or two once in a while and stop making excuses about "motivation"--you need to be a lot harder on yourself.

DW said...

interesting input. have any suggestions about these risks i should take? i'm open to suggestions. preferably from people willing to own up to their comments.

Anonymous said...

Recommended Risks:
(1) Introduce a merciless exercise regime into your life and stick to it
(2) Throw your TV in the street
(3) Read a book outside the Eat, Pray, Love genre

I will own up to my comments when you decide to honor your commitments to yourself and follow through on your personal revelations with some action.

DW said...


i read books outside of the eat,pray, love genre all the time. which you would know if you knew me.

i am trying to be openminded about any and all comments, because i know that one must have a thick skin to publish things about their life on the internet, but i find your assumptions and expectations for overnight change to be condescending.

oh, and i have no plans to throw my tv out the window. i can make changes without damaging my flat screen- which by the way, was a present from my dad.