Saturday, April 10, 2010

babies, ben and bullock

quite the interesting saturday.

i had some plans. i was going to be productive. i woke up just after 9, and was out of the house headed to cvs for some wrapping paper and random things at 11. unfortunately, cvs didn't have what i wanted and i left feeling very unsatisfied (which is unusual for cvs. they usually come through for me and i spend too much money on fun things i never knew i needed). this seems to have thrown off my day- as i was then very unproductive and ended up being late for audria's baby shower at 1.

speaking of- i spent my afternoon at audria's baby shower! she's expecting twins in june! it's all very exciting, and i think it was only the second baby shower i've ever been to. two of audria's sisters were there- and they are very nice (much like audria herself). i kind of want to be like her sister jane. she seems very creative and put together and mature. sometimes i meet people that i admire without really knowing them, and i feel like i want to be more like them. actually, my friend jane from college is also one of those people. she's smart and funny and everyone loves her immediately. maybe there's something about people named jane...

anyway. baby shower. it was fun, we snacked, decorated onesies, watched small children of various ages play- and then felt so tired i thought i needed a nap! aren't kids supposed to run out of energy at some point? that didn't happen. i was tired, the kids kept playing. i ended up walking around south street and did some window shopping and spoke to katie on the phone. she's due in two weeks! all the baby stuff made me think to check in on her (she's doing well, by the way). but then i came home and it was already after 6 and i felt like not really doing anything. i tried to motivate myself to go to the gym, i really did. but it just didn't happen. it would appear that the gym thing is going to be hard. as much as i want to lose weight and i really don't mind working out- getting there is like 3/4 of the battle. blah.

so just when i thought my night was going to be a useless waste of normalcy (me on the couch)- ben called to see what i was up to! and he rescued my night! we went to run some late night errands in south philly. i investigated new digital cameras at best buy (surprisingly, i think i'm leaning towards a nikon coolpix, or a sony cybershot).
we then headed to ikea where ben bought a new kitchen table and chairs. we got there 20 minutes before closing, so it was speed shopping. but it was fun! i almost broke his table when it fell out of the weird cart i was pushing, and we wanted to leave out the entrance b/c his car was closer to that door- but that area was closed, so we slipped under the partition and i unlocked and pushed open the automatic doors. for a second i thought we might get arrested, but an ikea employee saw me and didn't say anything- so we just ran for it. i found this incredibly amusing.

we then went to chickfilet- or as ben calls it- jesus chicken. i have never experienced the jesus chicken before, and it was quite tasty. i found that i really liked the french fries. they were like real potatoes! and the nuggets were cute and little- and a reasonable portion. overall, i give jesus chicken a thumbs up.

our last stop of the night was target, one of my favorite stores on earth. i was there on wednesday buying baby stuff for audria, but tonight was just for me. i spent $40 on things like hand soap, picture frames, black and white tank tops, and 'girls just wanna have fun' on dvd. overall very good purchases. i'm quite pleased. while we were there we also ate ikea dark chocolate- which was better than i expected. :) ben just makes me laugh. i love that we talk about random things that i don't think to talk to other friends about. like zits and men and condoms. he's honest with me, and i really appreciate that. and i feel like i laughed a lot tonight, which is always a plus.

and now- now i'm watching the proposal. what is not to love about this movie? i love sandra bullock, always have- always will. and ryan reynolds? delicious. seriously, i want to lick honey from his chest. but really, i wanted to watch this movie tonight because i love sandra bullock and i want to support her at this difficult time in her life. jesse james is a stupid asshole. and i want to be sandra bullock (and jennifer garner, but that's a whole other story), so i'm watching the proposal- and damn it- i'm enjoying it.

and just like that, i had a nice little saturday night. who knows? maybe tomorrow i'll even make it to the gym!


Caitlin said...

"do you really think i'm Punk? it's not a cool as New Wave, but it's a whole lot better than Pre-Teen"

Smelly said...

My comments:

Jesus Chicken - YEA!
Sandra Bullock - ugh
Girls Just Want to Have Fun on DVD - you now own this???? Why am I only hearing about this now?