Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My TV is Sweeping!

time is flying by people- it's already almost the end of may!!

for anyone who's hobbies fall into the 'tv' category (ahem), this means it's time for season finales!!! this is both a joyous and slightly annoying for me. joyous because its lots of good tv (like for instance, tonight's episodes of both Lost and Glee), and annoying because i known it'll be months before my favorite shows return.

but it's ok, because as we transition into summer (and once the weather gods get back on board again) things change a little bit. i usually go out a little more, spend more time outside, plan weekend trips for the summer, exercise more- things like that. i'm already getting stuff in order! for instance- i finally signed up for that travel writing class at temple- i start on june 1st! and i've been getting better at going to the gym, and as a result feeling more motivated to do other stuff. i'm gonna go visit katie and baby molly in june. and i'm also heading up to the berkshires to see my uncle's new house on a lake! aaaand arielle and i are planning to go visit kim in wisconsin in july! and finally i think i'm finally going to get to GETTYSBURG this summer! so- in other words, good things are coming :)

but back to tv. let's see- last week was the private practice finale. and they killed Dell! it was so sad- and seemed so unnecessary, but then i thought about it and Dell really wasn't doing much, so i can see why they chose him if they were gonna kill someone off. Then yesterday saw the finales of House and Gossip Girl, both of which were entertaining, gg's a little more dramatic you could say. did chuck really have to deflower jenny and then get shot in prague? and wouldn't he have maybe left the ring box at home? and dan and serena? and dan and the stupid pregnancy which i think is fake anyway? i mean- come on. but gossip girl will be gossip girl...

tomorrow night i have the finale's of modern family and cougar town, which are my two new favorite comedies of the season. at first i was afraid to admit my love of cougar town, but then i realized i kept laughing out loud while i was watching it- and that is nothing to be ashamed of! courtney cox, i love your freaking show about a group of 40-something friends! oh, and josh hopkins is so deliciously hot it's ridiculous.

then thursday is the big two-hour grey's anatomy season finale. someone gets shot in the hospital. i kind of hope its derek (patrick dempsey), he's super boring this season.

oh, and i should also mention that once my regularly scheduled programming goes on hiatus, there are a few select summer shows i watch, in order to keep my dvr in working order. Friday Night Lights is back!! (aka the greatest show. ever.) and greek will come back this summer too i believe. and then there's hbo: filling my summer sunday nights with true blood and entourage. yummy indeed.

summer won't be bad at all! i just hope the humidity stays in check....fat chance.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

why don't you throw your TV out the window and get a real life.

HAHAHAHA. I am funny. love you lots, friend.