Sunday, May 9, 2010

Moo the Matriarch

When i was younger, say from about 12-20, i thought my family was different. dysfunctional, more so than other families i knew. i told my mom this all the time. she thought i was weird, and the family was fine.
i realize more and more that she was right all along. my family, while we are dysfunctional in our own quirky ways, are no more weird than anyone else. in fact, i think we're cooler for our dysfunctions. as my cousin louise's boyfriend sean said at arielle's wedding last year (wow, that was a mouthful) "you're family is the shit. and you all know it." indeed sean, indeed.

and moo, otherwise known as evelyn, is our family matriarch. she is the oldest sibling, and has always done the most to take care of my grandparents. plus, her personality screams 'i am in charge', and for the most part her siblings comply. that's just the way it is.
my mother may not be the easiest person to deal with all the time- but she is pretty awesome. and it's mother's day- so i'm gonna focus on the positive...
she is smart, she's hardworking, and she loves her family more than anything. she can be incredibly generous, is often thoughtful, and enjoys the good things in life.
and let's not forget, she knows how to get things done, and she is one hell of a cook.

i could go on talking about moo. i wanted to write a story that would perfectly describe her, but it would take more than one story, and i'm tired. i also miss her. i saw her earlier today and i always get a little homesick right after a trip home. so i'll just tell you that i saw a mother's day card- on the front it had a mom in a little box w/ glass and a sign that said "in case of emergency, break glass". i bought it immediately. in case of emergency, you want moo on your side. trust me.


Caitlin said...

Ha. I used to think Moo was scary, but over the years, I've learned that she's extremely nice and loving while at the same time being in charge and in control. Moo has helped me out with a few things and given me some great advice over the years!! And I'm not even her daughter. Happy Mother's Day, Evelyn!

Unknown said...

Well moo is all those things... unless of course you call after 10pm

Caitlin said...

True story, Whitson.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to write that I'm afraid of Moo because I'm still afraid of Moo, and I'm afraid she might read this. It's silly, really, because I know she's so nice, but I did break her favorite cookie jar and told diana not to tell her it was me, and then diana told her I said not to tell her. I mean...

DW said...

come on kelly. i'm sure they've forgotten all about the cookie jar by now.... :)

Smelly said...

I love this post for so many reasons. Least of which is Kelly posting as "Anonymous".