Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What I'm Doing on My Summer Vacation, Part I

So...what am I doing? Nothing really. This is the longest amount of time i've had in years to really do nothing. And so i'm going for it all the way. Frankly, last night (Tuesday), i was bored. And i was sitting at my table, reading, and I realized, shit. I'm bored. And it's only TUESDAY!!!
I decided to get out of the house and go see a double feature. Seeing as there's nothing out I haven't already seen, I was forced to see....."What Happens in Vegas" and "Kung Fu Panda".
Pathetic. I know.
Although, I'm pretty sure my dad would not see a problem in these choices. (Which is one of the reasons I love my dad so much).
Even more outrageous- I liked "What Happens in Vegas". Like my dad told me weeks ago, it really is better than you think it'll be. Ashton Kutcher is likable. Who knew?

On to other highlights of my week:

I got new rear breaks on my car. I walked all over in the disgusting heat, and when it came time to go pick my car up I decided to cab it out of self preservation. So I got in the cab, and told my driver where I wanted to go. Typical New Yorker, I also told him what route I wanted him to go, in order to avoid all the traffic. We go a few blocks and he starts mumbling something to me that was definitely not English. I was like, "i'm sorry- what?" at which points he waves a letter at me and points down the block. Ohhhhh, you want to mail a letter. He stopped the cab, and mailed his letter. What? Is this normal? It was only like 10 seconds, but this has never happened to me before. And I shrugged and thought "oh yeah, I do need some stamps. Where's the post office?"

I also finished my book, The Year of Yes. So one book down, one to go (according to my goal list). The book is awesome. Really funny. I recommend it to anyone who wants to hear a good story about finding love in a big city. Cause it can be anywhere. While i'm not instilling my own "year of yes", i'd like to think it's possible in this city as well.

Finally, today I was walking around the city a bit, running errands, enjoying the new less humid weather. However I noticed something. Philly smells like BO. Seriously. You could be on random corners and it'll hit you- ew. I looked around and thought- "ok, which one of you is not wearing deodorant?" I realize it's hot, and so no one specific is to blame (I hope), but it was gross enough to notice nonetheless.

Well, tomorrow is another day, with lots of possibility.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it's the stinky trees!

Anonymous said...

do you own the year of yes? may i borrow it? and i notice that you are often complaining about the philly heat as, see, i am not wrong in my accusations of philly being the hottest city of all time.