Saturday, June 28, 2008

Quiet is Overrated

So I will post about my last architecture class tomorrow. I haven't uploaded my pictures yet, but it wasn't as fact-filled as the previous. So don't worry.

My first week of work is over. I survived, and it wasn't bad!
Overall this week I went to the gym a few times and hung out with friends. Leslie and I had our fav dinner at maoz (falafel and eggplant and hummus = yum) and went to a free concert at Louis Kahn park around the corner. The band was called 'the hoppin john orchestra', you should definitely look them up if you like jazz. i believe the website is

so of course, we get there and i immediately spot the trumpet player. he's hot. i always look at the trumpet player first because i love the trumpet. I definitely should have played the trumpet in elementary school, instead of the lowly alto clarinet. Alas, i was not cool enough to know that the trumpet is awesome. and mainly, trumpet players are hot. so leslie and i are scoping out the band (she likes the keyboardist)- and we then check out the park for their potential followers (read: girlfriends). the trumpet player is talking to a nice looking blond in a skirt. damn. damn damn. leslie spots this girl sitting next to us staring intently at the keyboard player, toting an extra coffee. at their break it is confirmed that these designated girls are with our hot band members. we left. but of course i took out my trusty camera and took throw-back stalker pictures of our favorite players first. they're kind of blurry, but you'd get the point. (again, they're not getting posted now. still on the camera).

and here's the main event. today i had a happy hour date with eharmony #2. the male nurse who's not assertive and potentially ashamed of himself. well, it started off that he was late. i thought i had gotten stood up, but he showed up 15 minutes late. i was on the stoop across from the restaurant, on the phone with rachel. i saw him approaching, and he proceeded to walk all over the place except to the door of the restaurant. i was like, 'what is this?' what if i was actually inside? and he's like, wandering around not going in. so anyway, i put myself in his path, so when he came toddling over towards me i was like 'HI.' as it turns out we didn't go to that place, because there was no one else in there and i did not want to have a first date as the only people in a restaurant. the last thing i need is the entire staff watching my awkwardness. we walked to Doc Watson's (a bar) a block away. During this walk i'm pretty sure I learned all there is to know about #2. He's quiet, and when he does talk he's soft spoken to the point where i'm straining and leaning towards him to understand what he's saying. What is with this? We ordered some drinks and appetizers, and proceeded to ask each other polite questions every few minutes for the next hour. Luckily there was a baseball game on in the background, which I watched. I also thought about various things, like what i was going to do once the date was over, and what kind of girl would actually go well with mr. quiet. clearly, it was not me. polite questions and blank stares do not go far in my romance department.
the best part was- when we were done, i walked him to his car and he actually asked me to go out again! like, that was enjoyable?

more like overrated. when i'm the 'outgoing' one in the relationship (and the guy is quiet as a country mouse) there is a problem. period.

well friends, another one bites the dust. stay tuned for the architecture finale.

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