Friday, June 13, 2008

Nothing Like a Walk on a Bridge...

Yesterday I accomplished another one of my 'vacation goals', I walked across the Ben Franklin Bridge!! I documented my journey, for your viewing pleasure:

This was the start- I approached the bridge from 6th and Race. I was surprised to find a jeep coming towards me as i started my walk. It was the Delaware Port Authority, i guess they patrol or something?

So I started off, a little before 11am. Unsure of how long it would really take and what kind of fun things i'd see along the way...

This was the first thing I saw, clearly some people in Philly support Obama! Hurray!! What a good way to start.

This is a secret little staircase, used by workers to get from one side of the bridge to the other. It is kept locked, obviously, but I did see some workers sitting on the stairs on my walk back. I wanted to join them, but thought that might be inappropriate.

This here (on the right) is the Camden waterfront. I think the aquarium is down there somewhere. It's not as pretty of a view as the Philly skyline, but the waterfront is more accessible.

When I turned to come back to Philly this was my view!! It's so pretty!! I love it, and I love this city. What a perfect day for strolling on the bridge :)

And then there's this view....Lovely isn't it? It was a bit windy up there on the bridge.

Well. Today is Friday the 13th. I have no real plans, but i'm thinking I might blow off the gym and go see 'The Happening', cause its scary and takes place in and outside of Philly. I'll let you know how it goes....

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