Friday, June 13, 2008

Double Feature

So today I was lazy. L-A-Z-Y. I did not go to the gym. I didn't do much of anything. I did however, end up seeing a double feature, for $8 and the price of a small diet coke. I started off with M.Night Shamalyan's "The Happening". Frankly, it wasn't all that happening. I miss the M. Night of yore, where his movies were exciting and suspenseful. I mean, Marky Mark is fun to look at (even the high school girls sitting behind me squealed when he made his first appearance), but the movie is missing something. Namely, a plot anyone cares about. And as much as I love Zooey Deschanel (love love love, everyone go buy her album 'She and Him Vol. 1), she sticks out like sore thumb in this movie.

However, after it ended (thankfully its only about an hour and a half) I found 'The Incredible Hulk" (thank you riverview for not having more security). I missed the first few minutes, but I read a review this morning so I basically knew what was going on. And this was impressive. Obviously, I love Edward Norton. Who doesn't? And Liv Tyler is one of my personal favorites (by the way I want her to play me in the movie version of my life). I just thought the movie was well done, exciting, good mixture of CGI and actual action, good acting (well, except for maybe William Hurt, but he seems to only have one emotion these days). I was glad I stayed for the extra movie (seeing it for free was only a perk). Oh and Tony Stark shows up in the last scene. Which reminded me that the movie did have that "Iron Man" feel to it (I liked that movie as well, btw). So, if you liked that one, you'll like this one too.

Nothing like a double feature in the middle of the day.

But I have to add- I saw these movies in the early and mid-afternoon. and there were SO MANY PEOPLE THERE. I was like "hello isn't there school? doesn't anyone work in Philadelphia?" It was bizarre. I know it's June, but its only mid-June. My high school was still in session at this time, and I didn't start skipping til senior year. And the squealing girls behind me were definitely not seniors... how things change, and yet stay the same (I have vague memories of being a squealer once too...)


Anonymous said...

i remember when you couldn't move out of your seat after "titanic." oh the days of leo.

kellywalsh said...

yes yes, you squealed.