Monday, May 31, 2010

productivity- sort of

it's amazing what i can accomplish when i have an extra day off.

i feel like i didn't even do much today, and yet i got a lot of things done. made a fruit salad, paid the cable bill, cleaned up a little, posted some pictures on facebook, put some clothes away, went to target for some bulk food items (including some frozen meals i can microwave- due to my stove/oven still being broken) and other random necessities- hangers, new bath mat, vitamins, etc.

but honestly, the thing i'm most proud of today is watching Taxi Driver. i've had the movie taxi driver on netflix since......the end of january? in other words- way too long. i made it a goal to watch it by the end of this weekend- and i got up this morning and watched it! check that off the list! and you know- i liked it. i have kind of mixed feelings about robert deniro. obviously he is to be respected, yet i had never seen any of his early movies that made him a force to be reckoned with. well- now i have. and i get it. and can i just say- the young bobby deniro was pretty attractive. also, the movie has an all star cast that i totally appreciated. harvey keitel as a pimp? hell yeah! and martin scorcese has a cameo! jodie foster wasn't in it as much as i thought she would be, but she was good just the same. overall- i liked it a lot more than i expected to- and now i can finally send it back and get another movie. i think Wall Street is next (i'm doing research in preparation for Wall Street 2- money never sleeps, which i think comes out this summer?)

and now i get to relax and remember that tomorrow is tuesday! 4 day work week!

long weekend

hello friends.

i'm exhausted. so this is going to be short. i had a long and wonderful day down at rohobeth beach- where i took a day trip for the second weekend in a row with autumn. although this time aaron got in on the fun!
we left bright and early at 745am, got down to the beach sometime around 10ish (? i wasn't paying attention actually- but i know i was in the ocean by 11am). we spent most of the day on the beach, lying around, walking on the boardwalk, and taking some quick jaunts into the waves (the water was freezing!!)
then we headed to aaron's aunt hildy's house (hildy? hilde? how do i not know how to spell this name?) which is in rohobeth, and i guess is her eventual retirement house that she currently uses with her 15 year old daughter as a summer/beach home. its beautiful. and she was super nice and welcoming. they had other friends staying for the long weekend, and we all ate a delicious dinner of salad and pasta, then sat around the table for a while talking about various things like tv, education, aaron's family, etc. all the good stuff ;)
we left around 10 and got back into philly around midnight- so here i am!

i bought this new sunscreen at cvs yesterday- neutrogena spray- its spf85 (!). and it was really quite handy. i reapplied frequently, and it was nice not to have to get my hands all goopy with the regular lotion. i could just point and spray and feel protected. and as far as i know- i didn't get any burns!! (of course, the fact that we rented an umbrella for the afternoon and i promptly fell asleep under it probably also lowered my chances for burning significantly...)

anyway, i am wiped out. being in the ocean and at the beach in general will do this- so i'm off to bed! sleeping in tomorrow!! thank god for long weekends....

Friday, May 28, 2010

double feature

it's been kind of a long week. i was all angsty when i saw on facebook that so many people were getting out of work early or had four day weekends. and i thought to myself- what will make me feel better today?

i decided upon a double feature after work, with a popcorn dinner to go with it. i haven't done a double feature in a while, and with summer movies starting up- i have to start checking some movies off my list.
i'd love to say that i went to see summer action movies- because i definitely thought about it. but honestly, i ended up with two girly movies. i started with letters to juliet. both my mom and sister have seen it, and liked it (although telling me that it was cheesy- as to be expected). i decided that was just what i needed. and i think it was. who doesn't like watching movies unfold in italy? in verona! one of my favorite italian cities! girl meets boy, they hate each other immediately and slowly grow to love each other. kiss at end after confessing undying love- even though they've only known each other for a week. cause that always happens.
it was funny because letters to juliet has been out for a few weeks. and it was a 5:20 movie. this resulted in me being the only one in the theatre until right as the previews were starting. then two older ladies came in and i chatted with them about how crowded it was....we were pals. i was worried for a minute that they would sit in the row directly behind me- which would have been annoying. you have an Entire Theatre to ourselves and you choose to sit in the row directly behind the only other person in the theatre? weird. but i think they ended up 2 rows behind. more privacy...

anyway, i went for a between movie pee break, and a woman was crying in the stall next to me and just stayed in there for a while. it was weird.

so i moved on to a theatre down the hall where 'just wright' was starting. i figured i'd just make it a girly night. and honestly, i was excited to see just wright (starring queen latifah and common) at the riverview theatre- because its so ghetto that i knew the audience would be Involved with the movie (capital I). and it was like a block party in there! people were talking- loudly, to the screen. no one was obnoxious and like, on the phone or anything (thank goodness, that is the Worst). but it was like the movie was a long conversation we were all involved in. there were a lot of 'you tell him girl' 's and 'mhm' 'here it comes' 'damn'. it was amazing. i think the comments made the movie better. no offense to common, but you need to work on your acting skills. and also, you're kind of skinny.

i departed the theatre around 9pm and headed over to autumn and aaron's for a bit. no longer grumpy or annoyed. fully ready to embrace the long weekend.

3 day weekend- here i come!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

'see you there'

there is a place. a place where i have gone many times. it's fun and delicious!

one of my favorite parts about this place is that with most people i meet up there, we don't even have to say the name of this place. it's just 'we haven't seen each other in a while! wanna get together? when are you free? see you there!'

however, i'll let you in on the secret: the place is Mizu. its my favorite sushi place in the city. there are two locations now- one in old city and one by rittenhouse. i prefer the rittenhouse location, because it's the original. back when i lived on 19th street, i wanted sushi and i wanted it locally. mark (navy mark) came into the city and we went to mizu. and it was deeeelicious! also, mizu is very reasonably priced- especially for sushi. its small and quiet and kind of out of the way while still being centralized.

i can't remember if i brought my penn girl friends to mizu, or if one or two of them found it on their own like i did. i certainly don't want to be taking credit where credit is not due. but somehow it became our place. and now, when i get a hankering for sushi, or i haven't seen some of my girls in a while- we head to mizu. no name necessary. we just pick a date and time.

tonight i met up with melissa. and it was fun! i had my usual- spicy tuna and a spider roll, plus a diet coke on ice. we caught up, traded stories. and it was great. we both laughed, because we never even thought of going somewhere else to eat :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

grumpy mcgrumperson

i'm pms-ing. i'm just going to put that out there. if you are uncomfortable with that you can stop reading now. but i'm not gonna pretend that i'm not moody. that would be a lie.

every morning this week i've woken up on the wrong side of the bed. the work day kind of drags, i don't feel very productive. i want to tell my clients to stop whining (but that would be inappropriate....). overall its not a good sight. this morning was ok- i was in an ok mood. an appliance guy showed up at 8:20am to look at my stove (which is currently not working)- he was very nice and hopefully it'll be up and running again by next week.
i took my time eating breakfast and getting ready, and called my mom to chat- which i do in the mornings as i get ready for work a few times a week. that was not a good call. moo and i aren't a good match when i'm grumpy. or when she's grumpy for that matter. she takes it personally, when it's not. and i am not as patient with her as i should be. sooo that call was not very long.
i walked to cosi to get a salad to take to work, at this point it's 10:30am. (i work from 12-8 on wednesdays). guess what? cosi doesn't make salads until 11am. i had to come home, finish getting ready, and then GO BACK on my way to work. ugh. seriously? whatever. i did it, begrudgingly, because i wanted the damn salad.

i got to work. it was Hot out today- which means one of two things, either people will stay home because it's hot, or they will all come in looking for air conditioning. i wasn't sure which it would be. the security guard (big e, we call him) said everyone would come in. i was kind of dreading it, but then it was actually super slow. i saw 5 people- which is a good amount because it means i have time to get all the paperwork for the day finished.

i canceled plans with leslie for tonight because i am grumpy. well, and because she likes to go to bed early so meeting up at 830 isn't her idea of a good time. but she laughed at my blunt admission of being so grumpy. apparently she hasn't used the word 'grumpy' in a while- but then again i feel like it doesn't occur to leslie to use negative emotions to describe anyone. unlike me.

then i got some sad news: my travel writing class was cancelled due to low enrollment. booo! i guess no one else wanted to learn how to request free trips from publications in return for writing fun things about my travels. now i have to find something else interesting to do for a little while this summer. maybe i'll try some writing exercises. maybe i'll go on a city-wide ice cream sampling. i came home tonight and got an ice cream cone to boost my spirits, and feed my ice cream cone addiction. i'd almost feel embarrassed for going to philly flavors so often (its around the corner) but they have enough people working there that i don't see the same people every time. so they don't know exactly how much i go....
and you know what? it worked! i am significantly less grumpy post-ice cream than i was earlier in the day. so even though the pms is by no means gone (ha, no), at least i am able to at least marginally enjoy the american idol finale- as much as this bizarre show can be enjoyed.

here's hoping tomorrow will be better.

Monday, May 24, 2010

so there are a few things to talk about tonight! stay close, try and stick with me:

i hear the flyers are going to the stanley cup finals! i was watching the season finale of chuck (another show down for the season, and quite impressive if i do say so myself) when this news flash came across the bottom of the screen announcing that the flyers had just beaten the montreal canadiens in the fourth game of the series. another sweep for the flyers! finals here we come!
ok so i will admit i know little about the flyers or about the nhl in general. but philly is an exciting place when the sports teams are doing well. there's a lot we'll just go with that. but its easy to get caught up in it! and there has been a lot of it in the five years i've lived here! (the most exciting, of course, was when the phillies won the world series in 2008) so i'm looking forward to whatever the flyers can bring!

also of interest: i dvr-ed this special on animal planet called 'the secret lives of elephants' last sunday. in case you didn't know, elephants are my favorite animals. they are cute and fun and it's always stuck in my mind that 'an elephant never forgets' (was that in dumbo or something? i have no idea why i think that). but anyways, elephants are actually quite smart, and very emotional animals. they're very family oriented. and i think they look wise. did you know that elephants mourn their dead? they stand around it and cry out and poke at the body gently with their legs. then they sniff the body, taking it 'terrabytes of information' (according to the narrator of the documentary). they may even be able to smell emotion. basically- elephants are really cool. get on the bandwagon.

and did you know---->that today is day 47 of my 90 in 90 project! 47! i'm over half-way done! isn't that crazy? i was going to write something Big and Important on saturday (the actual half-way point) but going to the beach distracted me. so i'm pointing it out today! i think i'm doing really well with this project. i go to the gym at least 3 times a week these days (i actually feel motivated to go!), and i'm starting to feel more confident about my health. and blogging is fun! i am going to keep working on writing. my travel writing class starts next tuesday, and i've been reading this book about writing that has given me some interesting ideas for some writing exercises to try. not sure if i'm going to post them once i've actually given them a shot- but i haven't ruled it out.

finally- i had this weird epiphany this weekend about my current dating life. although, who knows if it will stick, but i'll share it with you anyway: i've been wanting to take a break from the online thing. it just seems to be something i do for a little while, then get sick of. and i think i've gone through all the interesting people on this particular site for a while. i've lost interest. i also have this new surge of faith that i should just relax. i may not love being single, but there's nothing i can really do about it right now. i should just relax and have faith that i will find someone when i'm meant to find them. stay open. stay positive. and just see what happens. that is the outlook i had this weekend, and i'm going to try and stick with it. (until, of course, my grumpiness sets in again.)

so i think those are all my random thoughts for the evening. i hope you're having a good one- wherever you are.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

the perfect saturday

today was great! here is proof:

so this is my floppy hat! look beyond my arm that looks like it is twice the size of my face, and focus on the hat. because its awesome. i wore it all day.

here is autumn and our box of crabs that we ate for dinner!! this was my second time eating fresh crabs, and they were amazingly delicious!

i am not joking- they were amazing. see? that's my serious face. it turns out once autum taught me how to break open the crab correctly i became an expert. (also note that my arms are regular sized, and not in fact, twice the size of my face)

we went, we beached, we shopped (did you know there were outlets in rohobeth?), we ate crabs. it was honestly a really relaxing and fun day. i want to go to rohobeth every weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

beach wishes and floppy hat dreams...

today after work i did something wonderful. i bought a big red floppy hat. i had the intention of uploading a picture of me in said hat, but that took more energy than i was prepared for. the point is, i was driving home, talking to arielle (hands free) and i told her that autumn and i really want to go to the beach tomorrow. and i thought to myself 'i should really get a floppy hat'. they are very in this season, i don't have one, i dont want to get sunburned. the reasons go on and on....

so i decided to pop into the crystal cage, my favorite neighborhood jewelery/accessories store around the corner to talk to Kelly (the owner) about hats. and to try on some necklaces. i always try on necklaces when i go in there. kelly only had 2 hats, but was waiting on shipment to come in TODAY with more hats! so as i'm there and we're chatting and i'm trying things on- the UPS guy shows up and boom! 15 hats to choose from!
now, i have a large head (although i like to think its proportional to my body), and finding hats that fit and look nice is a delicate process. but i found this AMAZING hat that is reversible- red and tan- and Large. and it looks awesome on my head. i wouldn't even take it off. she cut the tags off from my head and i just wore it home... i'm like a walking advertisement for that store anyway. one day i will just wear a sandwich board home... but anyway, kelly, bonnie (kellys friend who i see in the shop sometimes) and i were discussing how it was fate that i came in today- the very day the hats were expected. and kelly only ordered 15 of them this summer (which in my opinion was not enough- those hats are gonna fly off the shelves) and i got to take my pick before they were even inputted into the system! it's lovely having friends who own jewelery/accessories stores.

so tomorrow morning autumn and i are getting into the car and driving down to rohobeth beach in delaware (this will be my first time there!), and i will wear my beloved red floppy hat.

of course the weather channel says it will only be in the low to mid 70s tomorrow. and its gonna get cloudy by the afternoon. but weather forecast be damned! we want to go to the beach! so to the beach we will go! and now i'm fully prepared :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

just another thursday night...

First of all.....first of all. i have to give a huge big ups to Grey's Anatomy for coming back from the abyss and having one of the best season finale's ever. no really- it's true. it was intense. it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. it was two hours! that's a long time for me to be on the edge of a seat. and this is grey's anatomy we're talking about. i haven't cared since....well i guess since the season finale last season when george died. but anyway- yes. props to you Shonda Rhimes.

anyways. i was thinking today what i wanted to write about tonight. buuuuut i couldn't really think of anything. life is going....just going. work is busy. i'm busy. the apartment is falling apart. i got to wash my clothes over at leslie's tonight! which was fun :)

and Then!! i got a text message- well, picture message is more like it. it was of lissa's left hand. and there was a ring on her ring finger!! Congratulations Lissa (and Brent)!! this is awesome!! you know lis, i always knew you would be among the first of our little group to get married. i'm so excited for you- and i'm excited for your wedding!!!!!

it seems like the weeks are just flying by- which is both good and bad. summer is barely here and i feel like it's gonna be over in a second. there's so much i wanna do!
thankfully, i think this weekend is going to be relaxing and fun. i plan on hanging out with autumn....and that's about it! movies, reading, gym, sleep. it sounds amazing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My TV is Sweeping!

time is flying by people- it's already almost the end of may!!

for anyone who's hobbies fall into the 'tv' category (ahem), this means it's time for season finales!!! this is both a joyous and slightly annoying for me. joyous because its lots of good tv (like for instance, tonight's episodes of both Lost and Glee), and annoying because i known it'll be months before my favorite shows return.

but it's ok, because as we transition into summer (and once the weather gods get back on board again) things change a little bit. i usually go out a little more, spend more time outside, plan weekend trips for the summer, exercise more- things like that. i'm already getting stuff in order! for instance- i finally signed up for that travel writing class at temple- i start on june 1st! and i've been getting better at going to the gym, and as a result feeling more motivated to do other stuff. i'm gonna go visit katie and baby molly in june. and i'm also heading up to the berkshires to see my uncle's new house on a lake! aaaand arielle and i are planning to go visit kim in wisconsin in july! and finally i think i'm finally going to get to GETTYSBURG this summer! so- in other words, good things are coming :)

but back to tv. let's see- last week was the private practice finale. and they killed Dell! it was so sad- and seemed so unnecessary, but then i thought about it and Dell really wasn't doing much, so i can see why they chose him if they were gonna kill someone off. Then yesterday saw the finales of House and Gossip Girl, both of which were entertaining, gg's a little more dramatic you could say. did chuck really have to deflower jenny and then get shot in prague? and wouldn't he have maybe left the ring box at home? and dan and serena? and dan and the stupid pregnancy which i think is fake anyway? i mean- come on. but gossip girl will be gossip girl...

tomorrow night i have the finale's of modern family and cougar town, which are my two new favorite comedies of the season. at first i was afraid to admit my love of cougar town, but then i realized i kept laughing out loud while i was watching it- and that is nothing to be ashamed of! courtney cox, i love your freaking show about a group of 40-something friends! oh, and josh hopkins is so deliciously hot it's ridiculous.

then thursday is the big two-hour grey's anatomy season finale. someone gets shot in the hospital. i kind of hope its derek (patrick dempsey), he's super boring this season.

oh, and i should also mention that once my regularly scheduled programming goes on hiatus, there are a few select summer shows i watch, in order to keep my dvr in working order. Friday Night Lights is back!! (aka the greatest show. ever.) and greek will come back this summer too i believe. and then there's hbo: filling my summer sunday nights with true blood and entourage. yummy indeed.

summer won't be bad at all! i just hope the humidity stays in check....fat chance.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

jeff and mimi got married!! (pt. 2)

I have proof!! the wedding was beautiful and an awesome time!! i posted pictures on facebook- go take a peek :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

jeff and mimi get married, pt. 1

ok people. this is another one of those times where even though the time stamp says saturday, to me it's still friday night.

its not just any friday night- its the night before mimi and jeff get married!! i have spent today at a bridal luncheon with mimi and friends/family, and then at the rehearsal dinner and after dinner drinks with more family/friends!! and if today was any indication, this wedding is going to be a blow out.

mimi and jeff are two of my favorite people. maybe ever. when i first met jeff i said to mark (who is jeff's best friend and hence the one who introduced us) "i want to be friends with jeff. even if you're not around. he is cool."
a while later, when i met mimi, i liked her so much that i told leslie to go find her the next day (mimi and leslie work in labs on the same floor at penn) so that we could befriend her. (i suppose technically this was after the second time i met mimi, the first being at mark's faux thanksgiving- but that is neither here nor there.)

one of my favorite mimi and jeff facts/stories is that not only have they been together forever (since her freshman/his sophmore year of college) but they met at a party and while playing drinking games she made him drink. a lot. asserting her control right off the bat. i find this hysterical.

i love that they are getting married. and i love that i get to be there.

here's some of what happened tonight at the rehearsal dinner:
~ i very excitedly met mimi's older brother charles. who promptly thought i was crazy because i was so excited to meet him. but not only is he mimi's brother (who i've heard a lot about) but his name is charles. and i love that name. however, later in the evening he high-fived me. so i think we're friends now.
~i also excitedlly met jeff's dad. the last of the nick family that i had to meet. i secretly want jeff's family to adopt me a little bit. well, not so secretly, because i told jeff that after i met his dad. the Nick family is just so nice. his dad is funny and has done every job under the sun. and monica nick is always smiley and friendly and seems like she bakes cookies a lot.
~ruthie, mimi's mom (who i also adore) tried to scout out some men to set me up with. i love this woman, and i don't even mind that she's so into my love life. its supportive. she's southern. she can get away with it.
~i met some more of mark's 'prep' friends (prep is their all-boys high school in philly). one of his friends works for Prince Charming. i kid you not. (i would never have occurred to me to make that up). and he was charming.
~i drank white wine, something i don't usually do- but i was wearing a white dress and i was too afraid that i'd spill something on it. in hindsight four glasses was probably too many...

so now i'm off to drink water and go to bed. the real wedding starts at 3pm! so i have 14 hours to recoup and prepare for another night of fun.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Doctor Matt

No jury duty today!!

Instead I got up and took the chinatown bus up to NYC to see my friend matt graduate from med school. this was exciting for two reasons: 1)Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker and 2)matt is one of my oldest friends, and he wanted me there.

for years my dad has been calling matt 'doctor matt'. i would always remind him 'no dad, he's in med school, he's not actually a doctor yet'. because heaven knows, matt's head is already big enough, no need to help inflate it more. (love you matt, but you know its true)

but as of today, he really is Doctor Matt. and i am very proud of him.

matt has always been one of those people who was smart without trying. he was 4th in our class in high school, got into Brown (ahem, where i had wanted to go), and went to Mt. Sinai med school. he partied throughout. don't get me wrong, he did the work, but it always seemed that he didn't need to try very hard to be incredibly successful- something i could have chosen to be jealous of, but instead i admire. somehow matt manages to shmooze with the best of them, and yet can really know what he is talking about (well, most of the time...). he is going to be an awesome doctor. and should i ever have a health issue (god forbid) he will definitely be one of the first people i call, especially if it's related to the GI tract. :)

also, i got to wear my favorite target dress and my white princess coat- which makes me feel like a princess.... so it's always a good day when i get to dress up.
and oh yeah, president bill clinton spoke, he was awesome. we were in the second row- and i took a lot of pictures (look for them on facebook soon).

now i'm off to dinner with arielle and ben, before heading back to philly for a fun-filled friday of wedding events for mimi and jeff!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

rainy tuesday

is it weird that i am kind of sad that i don't have to go to jury duty tomorrow?

i'm feeling kind of conflicted tonight, although i really don't know what about, so i'd just say in general. if i were at my office playing with my flipbook of faces/emotions i'd turn it to 'conflicted'.
oh, actually i keep one of those at home too. so i'll go do that. oh they don't have it as an option! my 'c' options are cantankerous, chill, chipper, contemplative, copacetic, cranky, and crazed. they don't have ambivalent either. this is not a broad enough faces/emotions flipbook.

anyway. jury duty. i am supposed to have thursday and friday off this week for matt's med school graduation and some wedding events for jeff and mimi (who's actual wedding is on saturday!!!). then i get a jury summons for tomorrow- with potential to go through friday. put a huge question mark on my plans. annoying. and yet, i was hoping to get called for tomorrow, because then i'd get to miss work, and hopefully be dismissed for thurs/fri to i could be free to go ahead with my plans. instead, only jurors # 04-0001-0078 have to go in for jury duty tomorrow. the rest of us have to call back tomorrow after 5 to see if we need to show up on thursday. (i am juror 04-0189 or something like that)
great. work. hurray. and now i may still have to miss matt's graduation, or mimi's bridal luncheon. annoying.
honestly, i could have used a day off to just sit and read. and i've never actually been to jury duty before, (and it's federal jury duty!) so i figure it could be an interesting experience. but not interesting enough for me to miss my scheduled days off.... boo.

and its raining. which makes me want to put on sweats and not do anything. and i really want a starbucks peppermint mocha. which has too many calories for me to justify. but i might get one anyway. i'm heading over to jeff and mimi's for lost tonight- so that should perk things up a bit.

the word i'm going with in the flip book is 'spent'. i'm going to put on a sweatshirt...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Moo the Matriarch

When i was younger, say from about 12-20, i thought my family was different. dysfunctional, more so than other families i knew. i told my mom this all the time. she thought i was weird, and the family was fine.
i realize more and more that she was right all along. my family, while we are dysfunctional in our own quirky ways, are no more weird than anyone else. in fact, i think we're cooler for our dysfunctions. as my cousin louise's boyfriend sean said at arielle's wedding last year (wow, that was a mouthful) "you're family is the shit. and you all know it." indeed sean, indeed.

and moo, otherwise known as evelyn, is our family matriarch. she is the oldest sibling, and has always done the most to take care of my grandparents. plus, her personality screams 'i am in charge', and for the most part her siblings comply. that's just the way it is.
my mother may not be the easiest person to deal with all the time- but she is pretty awesome. and it's mother's day- so i'm gonna focus on the positive...
she is smart, she's hardworking, and she loves her family more than anything. she can be incredibly generous, is often thoughtful, and enjoys the good things in life.
and let's not forget, she knows how to get things done, and she is one hell of a cook.

i could go on talking about moo. i wanted to write a story that would perfectly describe her, but it would take more than one story, and i'm tired. i also miss her. i saw her earlier today and i always get a little homesick right after a trip home. so i'll just tell you that i saw a mother's day card- on the front it had a mom in a little box w/ glass and a sign that said "in case of emergency, break glass". i bought it immediately. in case of emergency, you want moo on your side. trust me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

30 Days Down

hello hello!

firstly, i would like to point out that today is May 8th. I started this blog/gym 90 in 90 project on April 8th- so that makes me 30 days in!! I can't believe i've made it 30 days! In AA/NA you get a keychain that says 30 days sober, but i will have to settle for my own pride and faith that i can do this.

this weekend i'm on long island visiting moo for mother's day. i got up at 7am (on a saturday!) to catch the chinatown bus up to NYC, then the LIRR out to rvc. I managed to make it out by 11:20am, and Caitlin picked me up at the station. We went for lunch in Malvern and had milkshakes and omlets (which sounds kind of gross but was good). Then i met up with auntie mo and we went to the framers where we arranged to have my birthday present framed (i'll post a picture once i have it up on my apartment) and ran some other errands. finally, i landed home and saw moo, uncle j and the ladies (oma and grandma norma). we hung out for a while before moo and i went for facials at the red door. i think facials may be the most relaxing things ever. we had an awesome time :)
then it was home for a home-cooked meal of chicken with cheese and peppers, rice and string beans. mmmmm. i forget that i know how to make this dish. but things always taste better when moo makes them.

now we're all sitting in the basement, watching 'the lion in winter' at a volume three times what it needs to be (and still oma will have no idea what's going on)
the rest of the fam will come over tomorrow for brunch and mother's day celebrations. oh, rvc, some things never change.

*sorry if the narration of my day is kind of boring. but it is what it is.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


i am stuck on this idea. this idea that i am somehow unapproachable and unfriendly. that all those years ago conor was right that my 'vibe' is keeping me alone. i feel like i need to fix it, but i haven't the slightest clue how to go about doing that.

what did i watch tonight? oh, that's right: the challenge. the only mtv show i continue to watch, because it shows a bunch of crazy people acting like assholes for the sake of a 'game'. it made me feel better about myself, because no matter how i come off, these people are definitely less stable.

but i digress. i was out for my thursday night stroll/gelato run with ben tonight (after audria's birthday dinner- happy birthday audria!!) and we were discussing this whole concept. i asked for his opinion, and he nicely told me that perhaps i may seem like someone who would be 'hard to please'. to his credit, i asked his opinion, and he did actually seem sincere and thoughtful in this answer. his contribution was this: i may seem hard to please because i'm articulate and sure of myself (and let's face it: opinionated), and therefore i may have expectations that a lot of guys aren't prepared to deal with. i think this is a pretty fair assessment, and i wholeheartedly appreciate ben's willingness to help me talk this out.
i feel like there's more though. do i seem like i'd be high maintenance? because honestly i don't think i would be, however i also am beginning to think that the way i come off when i meet people, especially guys that i am interested in, is definitely not the way i normally am.

and i see this as a problem. a problem i don't know quite how to fix. i want to be more approachable. but i don't know how to make myself less articulate or opinionated- nor do i really think i should have to. perhaps i need to come across like i have fewer expectations. but that seems somehow- off. (i almost said promiscuous, but that's only partially what i mean) i do have some expectations- like for instance if you like me and want to see me again, i expect you to contact me in some fashion. that seems like common sense, not an expectation. i do not expect us to fall in love in a week and start doodling each other's names at work. i do not expect gifts, or to be treated to dinner at every date (i'm more than willing to pay my own way). but is that the vibe i give off? I JUST DON'T KNOW.

what i do know, is that something that i seem to be doing just isn't working.
and i am stuck feeling lonely.
no matter how many friends i have or activities i plan- and trust me i've been plenty busy this week- at least once a day i find myself feeling lonely. and frankly, i'm sick of it.
i just wish i knew how to change it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

book coverings

warning: this post will be filled with a lot of random thoughts that may or may not be related.

so i've been thinking. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
i texted leon(my date from monday) last night after lost (you can judge me later about that. i heard many opinions and made my own decision) and he did not text me back. all day i sat and worked and complained to my friends on gchat (sorry autumn and caitlin...and arielle) and just generally felt crappy and rejected.

at some point during the day caitlin brought up an interesting question. how are we perceived by other people? like, as i walk on the street- do people who pass me see me as cold and unapproachable? do they think i'm married? a crazy cat lady singleton? someone who just fell out of bed and needs to go shower? my stupid old roommate colin once told me that he never thought i wanted a boyfriend. i apparently gave off a vibe that i 'didn't need a man'. which frankly- i don't. i don't think you should need a man. i can take care of myself, thank you very much. but that doesn't mean that i don't want a man, or want to be seen as unapproachable or uninterested when i walk down the street or meet new people. that's not the vibe i should be giving out. but i don't really know what vibe i am giving out- so i don't know how to change it. well actually, i'm fairly certain i have a mean face when i'm walking down the street. i feel like when i think about something i get this serious look on my face and its maybe not friendly. and i usually am thinking about something when i walk down the street. or maybe its because i'm from new york and my mom always said when walking in the city to look like you know where you're going and do not interact with strangers. i really took that to heart.

also- i keep thinking about my friend BJ. this is because we have been playing phone tag lately, and then finally caught up last night. i have been friends with BJ for a very long time, about 10 years to be precise. we met freshman year of college- he was 'cool', and i had a huge crush on one of his roommates, and he had a huge crush on one of my roommates. long story short, he is a good friend of mine, and there have never (never) been any other feelings there. i want what is best for him, i'm not afraid to tell him when he's being an ass, and i know if i need his support he will give it freely. i know this, because last thursday i was feeling kind of down- i don't remember why- and i listened to a voicemail from him, and he was so friendly and asked about things in my life that i didn't expect him to remember. and it made me feel really loved and supported (in that friendly kind of way that people you've known for a while can make you feel) and i became motivated enough to go to the gym. my mood was perked up. i give BJ the credit. i bring him up because BJ has what my granny would call the 'gift of gab'. he can talk to anyone, about anything. he likes talking about himself, but he can also bullshit about anyone else too. its a good quality. i think he gives off a vibe that is pretty friendly and approachable. (i also think he could be doing more with his life, but that is another story)

anyway, my whole point is that often people judge a book by its cover. i do it, even when i may try not to- its natural. we all do to a certain extent. so how am i being judged? what does my cover say about me? is it the same message i want to be portraying?

oh also- leon texted me tonight. a whole 24 hours after i texted him. i don't really know what to make of that. but perhaps i shouldn't judge.

Monday, May 3, 2010

what just happened

i just got home from a date.
it was an hour and a half before i even looked at my watch.
this is unheard of.

so i had three beers and therefore am a little tipsy (light weight, i know)
but these are the things that went right:
we watched hockey. i showed interest. he was impressed. after a little while there was playful touching of the arms as we sat next to each other at the bar. we laughed a lot. we had a lot in common. we both were history majors. we both like helping people. we like to travel. he likes the olympics (hello i love the olympics). he suggested the third round, i complied. he let me have a sip of his water- i used his straw. i caught him glancing at my legs (i wore a denim mini-skirt). he offered to walk me home. he only lives five blocks away.

and yet. and yet- i feel like i may never hear from him again. he went to Yale. he worked for Google. he likes camping. oh, and he's cute. like, super cute. and Tall (he's 6'4). i feel like i maybe reached too far here.

but you know what- time to get zen here. if nothing comes of it- it was a good date. it's about time i had one of those. and if something else comes of it, cool. i'm willing to see where it goes. But if it goes nowhere- i'll just keep on trying. it's bound to work out one of these days...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ice cream for dinner

its hot. like, really hot. i was out sitting in the sun this morning eating brunch with autumn and jess- and got a sunburn. therefore i spent the rest of the day doing.....nothing. well, i did finally watch the first five episodes of season four of friday night lights (ben gave them to me for my birthday on a flash drive). and they were AMAZING. but i didn't really do anything productive, per se.

when it's hot out like this i sometime get stumped as to what i want to eat. i haven't felt much like cooking lately, something which is going to have to change if i don't want to bankrupt myself this summer, but i decided to go out for an ice cream cone for dinner. soft serve chocolate with sprinkles. its classic, and delicious. of course that was at 530, so i ate a bowl of cereal a little while ago, and had some grapes for dessert. it's my own version of ramen noodles- i might as well be a college student. but whatever. it's sunday, and i'm feeling lazy.

its funny how i have a favorite ice cream order that changes depending on where i am getting it from. when i'm at philly flavors around the corner it's soft serve chocolate in a cone with sprinkles. if i went to the DQ (which i haven't been to in a while) i'd get a blizzard, probably w/ m&ms. at phileo on south street i usually get peanut butter yogurt (mixed with some other flavor of the week) with chocolate syrup and cookie dough. at john's on 7th and christian i get a medium chocolate and strawberry. at capogiro it's chocolate (regular or dark) mixed w/ a lighter, nutty or coconut gelato. when i'm at home- it's either ralphs or carvel. ralph's italian ice (which is a million times better than rita's fyi) i get snickers usually mixed with something else. and at carvel, which is where i've been going the longest- i get nonfat chocolate soft serve, with hot fudge and cookie dough (yes i know the nonfat part gets canceled out. i dont care).

man, i just realized how much ice cream i eat. it could be it's own food group.

don't get all judgy on me. i don't comment on what YOU eat.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i might as well face it, i'm addicted, shopping?

hello again!

there are a few things i want to talk about. the first is that this 90 in 90 project is really working. i'm about three weeks in and i feel like i'm assimilated this into my daily life rather easily. Everyday i think to myself 'ok what am i gonna do today? blog or gym. how does this fit in to my schedule for the day'. i have this fear that one day i'm just going to forget. (actually, i did almost forget just now b/c i came home from hanging out with ben and got caught up watching 'away we go' and realized it was 11:15 and i needed to get something posted- but i did think about it earlier in the day and have been thinking about what to write about). so yeah, anyway. i'm kind of proud of myself. it's only been three weeks, but i haven't given up yet! and i think that's kinda cool.

onto what i did today. shopped! if you didn't pick up on it already, my ban on shopping until i lose weight didn't quite stick (hey, you can't win 'em all). i'm still trying to lose weight- in my own strange half-hearted way. but i can't resist trying to spruce up my wardrobe. if i'm gonna be a little fat, at least i can be dressed nicely. and i got an email this morning saying that the entire LOFT store was 40% off. i haven't really shopped at loft in a long time, so i decided to take the walk over to liberty place and take a look-see. and i liked what i saw! i tried on a million things, and got three tops, a fun sundress (in green, i didn't have a green dress yet) and a denim mini-skirt (jury is still out on the mini-skirt. i might not be able to get away with it). but it was fun!! and i'm super excited about the tops, because in case you don't live in the philly area- the weather got really hot this weekend. and summers are usually hot and kind of disgusting. and i needed some new tops that i can wear out (like on dates or out with friends) and i'm very excited to start wearing them! oh, i also went to banana and got a pair of shorts- my first pair of shorts in like 10 years or something ridiculous. i can't even remember the last time i bought shorts. but these are grey and they're stylish yet comfortable. so a good purchase, i think.

anyway- the last thing i wanted to mention was this thing i was thinking about while laying in washington square park earlier. we were talking about boys, as we are wont to do, and i was telling him about this date that i'm supposed to have tomorrow. although i dont think it's actually happening because the guy is being all flaky and weird. first he was available, so i planned something (going to lunch and the roller derby, which is a pretty fucking great first date if you ask me) and then he was all excited, but had to bail b/c of a family party. and then he was back on the scene saying he got the date wrong for the family party and was still around. i said 'alright- well lucky for you my sunday afternoon is still free, text me to figure things out'. that was this morning. i did not receive a text. so are we hanging out? are we not? what's your Damage, dude? this is not a good first impression, and we haven't even met yet! if i were hearing this story i'd say to whoever was telling it that this guy sounded like a flake and she should be weary of him being a douche. or just not really available in general. and to maybe forget it b/c if he can't even commit to a first date then where does that really leave you? but me? i'm willing to just sit around and see if he's gonna text me. why do i allow that to go on? it's like the fact that he's not being available or too eager to make plans is a turn on. how fucked up is that? its so cliche, but i like the assholes. are you nice and eager to date me? turn off. are you kind of a douche and non-commital? attractive. THAT IS MESSED UP. I AM MESSED UP.

i promptly came home and watched 'away we go' on cable. its such an awesome movie. and i'm not just saying that because john krasinski is in it. its truly amazing. you should watch it. he tells her (his gf in the movie) that she is his light. and he will love her even if she gets fat and he can't even find her vagina. if that's not love....