Monday, March 28, 2011


a wise band once sang: you can't always get what you want. but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
i always found this to be very profound. and i always hope that it's true. sometimes i think it is. you're upset about not getting something you wanted and can't see that right in front of you is something else you probably need and should wake up and see.
other times i really hope it's true. because those are the moments when i feel low and will take anything that might help in some way. something i need? sure! give it here!
in the mean time i'm sure they were talking about drugs. but i mean, the premise still holds true...

anyway, i'm already rambling.

i've had such a weird and nice weekend. and tonight, to cap it off, i saw the movie happythankyoumoreplease.
go see it.

no really, go see it. i loved it.
i am admittedly lame and i love books and movies (and sometimes tv) because sometimes they provide you with moments. moments where you feel connected to something- and understood. by the characters or the moral of the story or the mood in the theatre- because finally, Finally someone understands how you are feeling and has put it Right There in front of you for you to see and feel. and for a few minutes during and after you feel like OK. I am Not Alone in these weird feelings that i carry around.

of course, in movies and books, often the characters get to fix themselves. things work out in the end. or they die tragically. or i mean, sometimes they just go on with no resolution, but those are not movies or books that i enjoy. because what the fuck is the point in that.
but most of the time you are left with feelings like- jesus i really Felt that shit. and there's a glimmer of hope as you walk home from the theatre or sit and think about the book before putting it on the shelf. and you (well, in this case it's me) sigh deeply and just sit and think about Life. and the dumb things i feel sad about retreat a little bit. and the possibility of hope and good things and worthiness inch closer.

and i think to myself- you know diana- sometimes in life you don't always get what you want. (a lot of the time, sadly). but maybe, if i try, sometimes- i'll get what i god damn need. and wouldn't that be fucking fantastic.

*i realized upon re-reading this that i didn't actually share any of the moments (and there were a few) in the movie that really spoke to me. but you know, it's late and i'm tired. so that's gonna have to wait for another post.

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