Wednesday, March 9, 2011

if bridget jones could knit...

it has occurred to me that in the process of keeping myself busy and moving on with my life into spring a smarter and emotionally balanced person, i have the potential to have some really random (and fun) experiences.

so i figure i'll share them. because really- if a tree falls in the forest with nobody around...etc etc.

i am learning to knit. exciting!! i signed up for a 4 week beginners class at spool- this cool yarn shop on south street. it meets for 4 tuesdays, and apparently by the end i will have knitted myself a scarf and hat. just in time for spring.
i got myself all ready to be in a retired lady's knitting circle- but it turns out it was really fun, and not all old ladies. knitting is hip!
first we had morgan, the young married pre-school teacher. she already knew the basics, but seems kind of type a so she wants to be really good at it.
next was cynthia- actually the only retired lady, recently retired from 31 years at Penn Medicine. new to knitting. got a little frustrated with the pearl stitch, but i'm confident she'll make it through.
amy- spunky asian, curses under her breath when she makes mistakes. i think we were on the same level. she was cool. (too bad she works with he who will remain nameless, and reminding me about thing i'd rather not think about anymore...)
then a mother daughter crew who kept to themselves and seemed advanced. (boo)
another girl (who's name i can't remember?) who had already Taken a beginner knitting class and wanted to make sure she really had it all down before she moved to intermediate. show off.
and then sherri, next to me. also a total beginner, had a hard time catching on, but really got the knit stitch by the end! she has her own small pr firm. she can probably do anything.

our teacher, elizabeth- looks no older than 19. and she was a saint.

behold, the following interaction:

elizabeth: wait. stop. do that again.
(i do the stitch again)
me: is something wrong?
e: no, hmm. no. ok. it just looked funny, but it turned out ok.
me: you know, i've heard that a lot in my life
cynthia (ever encouraging cynthia): see honey? you turned out alright

and thats how i began to learn to knit and made a newly retired friend on a cold tuesday in march. frankly, i can't wait for next week.

i left class feeling good about my progress, and went to meet my new friend kristin for a drink. she was out w/ her friend- kind of in my neighborhood, and i went to meet her and a friend at a bar. i got there early, and decided to practice my knitting. i had this feeling that if i didn't keep practicing immediately i'd forget how and be stuck.
so- here i am, at tattooed mom's. graffiti on the walls, loud music, a lot of drunk hipsters and college students celebrating fat tuesday. and me, on a couch, knitting, by myself.

behold, another gem of an interaction:
imagine a group of drunk college kids looking to celebrate fat tuesday. they come upstairs in the bar and one guy is trying to convince his friends that tattooed moms really is a cool bar...
drunk guy 1: no its cool, its cool. its just kind of early
drunk guy 2, looks at me, we make eye contact, i smile a little (politely)
the group leaves....

oh well. i am not ashamed. knitting is HIP.

kristin arrived w/ her friend Fritz, a bald artist, who was funnier than expected, and we proceeded to share a few beers and laugh. and discuss relationships and art and the C word. kristin's friend Dave also stopped by (she wanted me to 'meet' him, but he wasn't my type- but hey, thanks for the intro kristin!!)
i ended up getting in after 11 and falling into bed.

an unexpected evening, but a good one. knitting, new friends, beer, laughs.

i have decided to say yes to things more often. even random things. not Everything (i'm not a lunatic), but, you know, people, experiences- Things that might lead to random fun evenings where i knit in bars and scare away young drunk fellows.

because hey, if i'm going to end up like bridget jones, i might as well do it right.

1 comment:

Smelly said...

If I saw you knitting in a bar, I'd probably roll up and ask you to knit me a sweater. Drunk college boys have no balls.