Sunday, March 13, 2011

sunday nights are mysterious. they've always had this thing about them. a feeling of impending doom. i've been getting better with them since my work hours changed to later in the morning on mondays (so i can avoid the whole 'oh my god i have to fall asleep Right Now or i'm going to be exhausted tomorrow' stress). but still, they're not my favorite.

in the last few weeks, since i've been lame and emotional- i haven't wanted to be alone on sunday nights, so i've been hanging out with my friend lisa. who is awesome. and patient. and gives good advice.
however, lisa was in AC this weekend at a bachelorette party, and therefore in recovery mode tonight. so i went on a date. ( i had to do something to pass the time...)

here's some backstory:

ok cupid guy. admittedly short(er than me), refers to himself as being 'opinionated' and 'likes to do activities. not just lay around and do nothing' (one of my favorite activities). why doing out with this guy seemed like a brilliant plan i don't know, but he asked, and in the spirit of saying yes to people and things, i accepted.
except that his suggestion for our date was to go to Dave & Busters. Really? is that a date place? really? i mean, i already don't know if i want to be going out with you, but i'm fairly certain i don't want to be going out with you to play video games with small children. or ski ball. although i do like ski ball. but that is besides the point.
i thought about it, and suggested we go bowling instead. bowling seemed like a 'dave and buster'-ish activity, but i actually like it. and i haven't been in a while. thankful D&B (as he will now be called), agreed.

so i met him at 5pm tonight at north bowl. 5 pm. awkward time. but ok- because its sunday, and no one wants to be out too late. plus- hello, north bowl is awesome.

the last time i was at north bowl was for my birthday last year. here's a clip for your viewing pleasure:

what was it i said recently about being sassy and classy? ....right. not at bowling alleys apparently.
no one looks classy in a bowling alley. except maybe these guys...

but anyway, i digress. i met D&B at north bowl, and we hung out and bowled two games. He asked me at first if i was on a league and if he should expect to get his ass kicked. good thing i didn't show him the video above....
turns out he's pretty good. he started throwing strikes left and right. he had 'technique'. and then of course in the middle he had a weird technique that i think was his attempt to be bad so that i could catch up...which let's face it, was nice. he didn't really beat me by that much though. i'm not that terrible of a bowler...

but you know what's weird about going bowling on a first date? if it's just the two of you- there isn't much time to talk. like- one or the other of you is always bowling. and if you just sit there talking for a little while, which we did- then no one is bowling. which is a little weird.
so we bowled. for almost an hour. and chatted. and he was encouraging. and i congratulated him on breaking 100. i also hurt my hand a little. bowling can be hazardous sometimes. but i think i will recover.
we then went to the restaurant area of north bowl for dinner. which was awesome- because north bowl is known for their tater tots. D&B noticed that the 'wtto' (world tater tot organization) voted them among the best tater tots around. how can you say no to the WTTO?
you can't.
we both had tots.

turns out D&B is pretty interesting. he was born in israel, and lived their on and off (as well as in maryland...random) until he was 14, at which point he moved to south africa to finish high school. he went to college in maryland, got a masters at drexel, and now lives at home with his parents and 2 younger siblings in jersey, working- but trying to figure out how to get into the field of electro physics. oooor something like that. he also likes to rock climb. and go paint balling. and he loves ben stiller. (3 things we do not have in common....) but he also likes battlestar gallatica (points for good taste), and admitted the last movie he watched was Wall-e (cute).

the truth is he was perfectly nice. and he seemed to enjoy my company. he wanted to keep the date going, but at some point i was like 'ok it is sunday night, i kind of want to go home to my couch and wrap my head around tomorrow being monday'- and he totally understood. we'll probably hang out again. maybe next weekend. but i didn't really feel much of a spark. however i know my therapist would say 'if he's nice and there's nothing glaringly wrong with him- you go out with him again. there is no reason not to'. so i'll go. and just not think about sparks. or lack thereof. because now is the time of saying yes, no?

*update on speed dating: i matched w/ the hot artist x files guy! i now know his email address. i have yet to hear from him. but am considering emailing him soon with a reference to agent skully and pastries...


Keith Tramantano said...

i love that video. he should take you to dinner next time, preferably somewhere that does not serve tots. Unless, you know, you're already busy with x files guy....

Smelly said...

How did you neglect to tell me that he likes BSG????? I think that bumps him up a few notches. Even if he does like Ben Stiller.

And I LOVE that birthday video. Esp the crawling.