Monday, August 23, 2010

so here's what happened...

i interviewed this morning at the Mazzoni Center, an LGBT clinic right near my house. the job actually seems pretty great. a welcome change and a new challenge. except i'm not going to get the job, because when they asked me why i wanted to work with the LGBT population i stumbled and said "well- gay people LOVE me". which was immediately followed with "i mean, i've always had gay friends. even in high school, gay people have loved me (and my sister). and i just feel like, you know, i'm good with them. and am fully able to handle issues pertaining to them."
UMMMMM this is like the moment Bridget Jones is supposed to be interviewing a fireman on live tv and falls down the pole, landing ass-first on the camera.

clearly, i'm not getting that job. shame, i would have been good at it.

and then today was Super busy at work. followed by down time staring at the computer dazed and unable to be productive. rating men's profiles on okcupid. just one day after declaring that i'm done with online dating. what can i say, judging is fun.
obviously that's a terrible thing to say, and probably a terrible way to look at it. but whatever. it's true. and it's not 'dating' if you're not actually meeting anyone. so i can still say i've given it up for now. until the moment i decide to organize another date. but whatever.

then tonight i came home to 'run'. i hadn't gone in about a week. and i got a stitch about 10 minutes in. but i didn't give up! and i actually went 1.89 miles, whereas last week i went 1.55 and 1.6 miles, respectively. sooo maybe that's a big of progress? i also got this watch at target yesterday that let's me time my intervals so i can properly do the couch to 5K workout. which is running for 60 seconds and walking for 90. except i do my best to run as long as i can, which is anywhere from 60-120 seconds, before walking again. i think this running thing will be interesting. and it makes me feel accomplished. so, there's that.

and now i've just watched monday night showtime tv. which is weeds and the big C right now. both of which are entertaining. although the big C is truly amazing. i'd love to be laura linney, except, you know, without the big C (cancer).
i'm going to get into bed and read another chapter in "one day", which is quickly turning into one of my new favorite books that i will insist everyone read.

an eventful day. if i do say so myself.

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