Wednesday, August 11, 2010

gotta eat to live, gotta live to eat

the words to 'one jump', from aladdin, are swirling around in my head right now.
this is the kind of day i have had.

i was hoping to have better/more positive things to share. but instead i will tell you about the random things i am thinking and feeling:

today was the first time i was genuinely worried about something i have done at work. i worded a letter wrong for a client. and it might come back to bite me in the ass. although, the phone call i got today about said letter sounded more like this woman was trying to bully me- because the letter ended up getting her in trouble. my boss is not concerned, so that made me feel less concerned. yet it was annoying all the same.

at the end of the night i was on looking to download a new ringtone. i found a plethora of 'fart sound' options. including one called the 'fart spangled banner'. i laughed out loud, but did not download. i am not a 12 year old boy. having a farting ring tone does not seem appropriate. (although, if i had to pick a specialized ringtone for my sister, i might have to choose a fart noise).
i ended up with a fun cartoon-ish sound called 'damsel in distress'. it's better than all the gd justin beiber options.

oh, i also find the phrase "gd" (meaning god damn/damned) to be Hilarious. no idea why.

i left work and drove to wegmans, where i got the randomest group of groceries ever. toilet paper, cat food, one mango, 4 bagels, a bag of uncooked shrimp, nail polish, orange juice, cereal, broccoli crowns, a loaf of sliced fresh bread. i think i was in the express line for the first time ever. and still- i spent $57. sometimes i am good an only spend $40 or so. i was expecting tonight to be ok, since i didn't need all that much. but no, $57. things add up....

i have this urge to shop, as though shopping will make me feel better. i go into stores and try on clothes. i look up things on amazon. i even looked at some jewelry on etsy- and i haven't bought anything on etsy since last christmas when i ordered kim some fingerless gloves that subsequently never arrived.
i have been good about not actually buying anything (thank goodness, i have very little money until friday), but i did add aladdin and the little mermaid to my amazon wish list. i was thinking of buying them, but figured they would be good things to ask for for christmas. and yes, i start thinking of these things early. if you tell people exactly what you want, you're more likely to be happy with what you get. also, i find amazon to be a great place to keep track of things you want. because you can always go back and look, and you can see if you can buy things used for cheap. always a plus. during months where i've been better w/ money i allow myself to go buy one or two things off the wish list. i am going to plead the fifth on the last time i did this. sometimes it's just too easy.

anyway, i have no idea what i'm writing about anymore. i am tired and eager to read more of my book and get to bed. i'm less than 100 pages away from finishing this tome called 'Sing Them Home' (540 pages, also was an amazon wish list purchase). it's pretty interesting. i will update my goodreads one of these days...

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