Monday, September 26, 2011

It's fall! My favorite time of year! Back to school time! or, when you're old and no longer in school- a time i associate with wearing light sweaters and starting new books and setting up my dvr for all the new tv i'll be watching...

but if i'm being honest, i haven't done as much with my september as i would have hoped. the weather is still too humid (and rainy) for me to wear any sweaters or light jackets. i haven't gone back to valley forge for any picnics. i haven't gone on any long walks kicking up leaves. i did spend a lot of time feeling sad and confused and lonely and...ridiculous. and i'm not saying those times are completely over- but i think from here on in i am gonna make more of an effort to enjoy my favorite season.

yesterday i spent a nice sunday touring the battleship new jersey by myself. it's been a while since i went on an adventure for one- because i spent a lot of time thinking how nice it would be to finally be part of a two... however, i found that i'm just as much fun as i remember. it was a nice realization. not to mention- i took pictures like this:
here i am getting very important communications on the battleship. don't i look important?

i decided today that i need to go back to setting little goals for myself. they make me feel like i have purpose, and when i complete them i feel accomplished and happy with myself. so- october 1st is this saturday. in october, i would like to finish the knitting the purple scarf i've been working on all summer. i will also stop snacking on candy at work, and i will go running more often. after not running in a week and a half- i went out and ran 2.5 miles tonight. every time i wanted to stop i said "well diana, let's see what you've got left. if you're tired- keep going". 2.5 miles isn't bad for a first run- but i've been saying for a while that i want to get to 5- and god damn it- i'm gonna get there. hopefully by the end of october!
do i want to date? do i want to "move on" and feel less lonely? yeah sure. but these things, these little goals, will get me through each day and give me things to work towards. maybe by the end of october- with some more running and less candy snacking, i will have lost the remaining 5 lbs of my grad school weight. i will wear my skinny jeans with glee on a date with someone of my choosing, and feel totally ready to be there. i may be getting ahead of myself here, but a girl's gotta have dreams.

and in the meantime there is a ton of new tv to keep me entertained. (i'll save my reviews for another day).

ah fall, thank goodness you're back.


glenn said...

So hopeful! I love it! AND - you look super skinny in that photo.

DW said...

why thank you! i am trying! i was supposed to go running tonight but felt totally nauseous after dinner. maybe tomorrow?