Tuesday, October 18, 2011

october check in

i haven't forgotten about you. i think all the time about writing more, but things have been busy!

i decided to dive right in to my october goals, and i'm glad to report they are going well! I have not eaten any candy from the candy drawer this month. That doesn't mean i haven't had any candy, but i haven't binged on it from boredom just because it was there. I haven't even opened that candy drawer once. not even to look at the forbidden fruit. i know myself well enough to know that if i know what's in there..i will fantasize about it one afternoon around 3pm and perhaps break my goal. why tempt myself?

i am also working on getting to a 5 mile run. i actually can't believe how well this goal is going. i started out at 2.5 miles, and worked my way up to 4.5 today! today! its october 18th! i still have 13 days to run just another half a mile! i think i might actually accomplish this goal- and i'm both shocked and super happy, to the point where i don't want to jinx myself- but i don't really know what to do with myself if i get there. shout it from the rooftops? buy myself this new purse i've been eying? reward myself with a cheesesteak? eh, i don't even really feel in the mood for a cheesesteak- but i think the most important thing to do once i reach 5 miles is to keep running. I have a tendency to stop sometimes during the winter. I don't push myself as much, i let my skills....lapse. What's the point of being able to run 5 miles if i only do it once and then never run again? i think i should stick with it and stay healthy. eat more veggies. work on those last 5 lbs.... i'll figure it out more once i've hit the mark.

what's funny about running for me is that when i get really tired i imagine i'm at the end of a race. i imagine who would be running with me, and what we would talk about. i imagine who would be at the finish line. sometimes the finish line is at the end of each block- i push myself further telling myself i have to get to that invisible line where people are waiting for me, proud of me. and it keeps me going. i don't think i imagined running would be quite like that for me- but i guess we learn new things everyday.

i've also caught up on a lot of tv lately. i've gotten rid of some shows on my schedule, made it slightly more reasonable to keep track of. some shows (like American Horror Story, for example) are still on my bubble- i haven't quite decided if i want to keep watching them. but for the most part my schedule is set. and i'm happy about it. i watch a good mix of comedies, drama and guilty pleasure ridiculousness.

now if only i could force myself to watch my netflix movies and use it the way it should be used...to catch up on silly girly movies, classics, and seasons of tv shows i never watched while they were on the air.
well, there's always november.....

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