Sunday, July 13, 2008

long time no talk

hello there. sorry i've been gone awhile. I went away last weekend up to Leslie's house for the 4th of July (and her birthday, on the 5th) and it took a lot out of me. That's what wine and food and family will do!! (not to mention a convertible, we like the wind-blown look).

Here are some pictures of our adventure:

Here we are, first (on the left) as we're heading out to the windmill for some shopping, next to the wineries for some tasting! we bought scarves in between, cause man- those convertibles do a number on the hair. plus, we really wanted to look dramatic. (esther chose the thug look, using my hoodie to complete her 'i may rob you in a minute' look. although she's smiling, so less believable).

And here we have a some 'jump shots'. kara and esther wanted to take pictures of us jumping throughout the weekend. its fun, and as you can see looks kinds cool. the picture on the right is of the four of us at the campfire saturday night. we made smores and played games and had an overall grand old time.

Jump to this week.

Work was fine. It has been kind of boring due to the lack of clients and the high no-show rate at the clinic. i'm hoping that changes this week. we finally made it onto the computerized schedule, so perhaps the front desk will make appointments for us as well as us trying to rope people into coming in to talk about their feelings.
This brings me to an interesting point. my friend caitlin called me tonight to ask me how to break up with her therapist (hi cait, whats up). I told her the easiest route was to go the 'i can't afford this anymore', which isnt' a lie and is short and sweet. but she brought up this point about kind of feeling weird going to therapy, because her life isnt' that bad. this irked me a little bit, and it was nothing personal towards her, just a professional frustration.
Do people know they are allowed to go to therapy even if they're not depressed or bipolar or having serious "issues". therapy is for everyone. EVERYONE. it's to help when times get tough, which could mean any kind of life transition or relationship problem or fight with your roommate. Therapy can help you figure out patterns in your life, or just give you an ear to vent to. It's important that people understand this, cause this is my job. And frankly, the more people who indulge themselves in the luxury of having an unbiased ear, the better (for both of us). Get over the stigma. It's old.

Now, onto this weekend. Arielle came to visit! and we had an awesome, relaxing, stress free time. We ate, we slept, we ate, we watched what some might call 'bad' tv (for the record that was her, and i totally brought her around by the end of the weekend). Basically we had some good sister bonding time. And after she left I had a major case of the sunday blues. Luckily, my math tutor arrived in time to distract me and get me focused on fractions and percents. Lucky me. In any event, i'm now winding down to my sunday night tv, design star and army wives. don't worry, i dvr-ed 'generation kill', the new hbo miniseries about the marines. i'll let you know how it is tomorrow after i've watched.

not that anyone missed me, but it's nice to be back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed you!

And Cara looks like she lost some weight!

And Robin Hood on BBC America is definitely worth a few hours of your time, if you just accept that it's cheezily shot and that Guy of Gisborne is hot.