Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hump Day

So i'm blogging at work. I recognize this is unprofessional, but today is my late day, and I have half an hour left and nothing to do. Plus, I feel there are some blog-worthy things to discuss.

First of all, i'm listening to wxpn's children's music hour. unfortunately. i hate the children's music hour but its on from 7 to whenever god takes pity on my ears, and its the station my little clock radio here is programmed to. What's funny is, the dj has like kids call in and sing live on the radio. And so i just heard like three kids call in and sing 'amazing grace' and a variety of other inspirational songs. and they were so bad, cause its like, a 6 year old. and the dj is like 'wow alex, that was so inspirational, thanks so much! you are the best singer i've ever heard!'
wtf? since when is wxpn into giving children false hope that they can make it in music? that was TERRIBLE and please stop now. That's what was going through my head anyway. on second thought, perhaps it would be better to sit in silence than listen to this cacophony.

So. Work. Yup, still here. Today i finished an old New Yorker magazine, talked to my coworkers a little, attended a mandatory training session that discussed customer service, aaaaaannnnd, waited for my one scheduled patient to stand me up. Which she did. It's interesting, cause everyone is all excited that we're here and saying they have a ton of people to send our way. Well send them already! Cause my days would go by much faster if i was seeing clients and feeling productive. I like getting paid to catch up on my reading, but this is getting ridiculous.
I did however, have a conversation with our psychiatrist. She comes three nights a week for two hours at a time. She is a character. For example: she is Pakistani (? i think?) and wears way too much makeup. She's very intense and stares at you like she's going to suck out your brain with her eyes. or like she's stoned. take your pick. and today she's talking to me and my boss, standing in the doorway, and she gets all philosophical. She's like "you know, we are all born in chains. it's like Rousseau said- 'we are born free but are in chains'- and it's true!" and my boss is like, "umm, yeah i guess it is", and i'm sitting there thinking- this woman just quoted Rousseau, like, standing in my doorway in a passing conversation. WTF.

So that's just a taste of my day, well, my past two hours really. Only 25 minutes left to go and i'm home to watch project runway!! (and robin hood....)

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