Friday, June 3, 2011

first friday = free fun (aka- why i love lisa)

i was feeling very conflicted about what to do tonight. when i got out of work this afternoon i had a few options, but honestly the thing that sounded the best was taking a nap and just waiting for it to be tomorrow. luckily for me a) i've gotten better at ignoring that option and b) lisa called.

oh lisa. you are so fun. not only is lisa one of my only single friends in philly- she loves to go out and do fun things and meet people. since i'm still in my 'just say yes to things' phase of things when she called asking if i wanted to do first friday and then head up to north bowl to go to a fundraiser for our friend kristen's job, i said "yes. of course. sure!" (something like that, but equally enthusiastic). this led me to forgo the nap, go visit kelly for one of our regular life pep talks (this one about my recently purchased bikini and her 'sexy mole' that apparently has moved with age...long story) and get my shit together to go out for the night.

and let me tell you- it was grand! its gorgeous outside, lisa is fun, first friday is awesome, and i was wearing one of my favorite navy blue tops. i mean really- good things all around. and then you throw in "i think if we go to third street there's free alcohol somewhere"- i mean, hello. we are there. lisa and i are jewish, and i don't think i'm being rude to say- we dig free shit. for reals. free mini bottles of shampoo? sure! free brownie/marshmallow/rice crispie treat? yes please! free ORGANIC ROOT LIQUEUR mixed with gingerale or birch beer? ummmm, can i park it here all night? (cause i'm gonna....) i'm pretty sure there was also some free cheese somewhere in there, and then later- when we finally did stroll over to north bowl, free dinner. also- free compliments from men on the street (ha, we must stay in good spirits, i'm pretty sure they meant well)

however- here is an amusing anecdote about how i am terrible with men:
while in line for round two of root liqueur (free, again)- a cute hipsterish fellow carrying a bike helmet and wearing plaid came and stood behind us in line. i had a tiny fleeting hope that maybe he had a vespa (please see previous post- riding a vespa is on my list of things to do this summer, it might as well belong to a cute boy). i inquired about his helmet, which was for a bike (let's face it- he's a hipster. he probably lives in west philly or no libs and bikes everywhere), and we started chatting. schuyler- his real name- is from upstate new york. i know a thing or two about upstate new york, having went to school there and having friends who are from there, and also i'm going there next weekend for a wedding. new friend schuyler knew exactly where i am going next weekend, and thinks he might know the dj for my friends wedding (random? yes. and yet, i was not at all surprised by this- my life works like this sometimes). i was like- ok i will go talk to the dj at the wedding next week and let you know if it's the guy you know- but how will i tell you? ohh right this is where we exchange names and then he tells me to "look him up on facebook"- because that's how it's done now. and i'm all "ok. i will really do this. don't be surprised when a picture of a hula girl tries to befriend you on facebook". by this time he does seem to be a genuinely nice person (and of age, i checked), and we've all gotten our root liqueur and i got antsy to go back outside. i was like "wait, are you here by yourself?" (i think i would have found it endearing if he was, but also a little odd)- but no he was with friends who were back in line for root liqueur. and the thought crossed my mind "oh ok good he has friends so we can go and we're not leaving him alone or anything"- so i was like- ok well have a fun night! see you on facebook! and then lisa and i left. we had not stepped more than 1 foot outside when lisa was like "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HE THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE". huh? i don't understand. i talk to random strangers all the time. this doesn't mean anything. was i supposed to do something different?
 lisa: "he was there with FRIENDS, way to be my wingman, i would have stayed in there drinking more root liqueur!!! you are bad at this!"
me: frowny face. "oh. i didn't really realize what was happening. i thought we wanted to walk around? it was getting hot in there? i'm pretty sure he didn't actually think i was cute- he was just nice!"
lisa: "seriously? you are bad at this"
me: "perhaps this is why i'm always single"...."sorry i'm a shitty wingman"

thankfully lisa didn't hold this against me, and we continued on our way to free cheese tasting, finding a possible new brunch spot, meeting a cool guy who makes awesome jewelry, and heading up to north bowl- where i promptly housed some free salad and tater tots (they are the best tots, as voted by the WTTO- world tater tot organization. do not try to resist). we also made friends with a friendly white rasta man who owns an interesting store near the bowling alley, took pictures in a photobooth (to be posted at a later date perhaps) and saw a girl hula-hooping with fire, before we called it a night. and i'm pretty sure i only spent about $18, including the cab ride home.

best friday night in a while.

oh, and i totally came home and found schuyler on facebook.

tomorrow: ROHOBETH! :)

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