Thursday, May 26, 2011

What I want to do with my summer (non-vacation)

I don't know if any of you noticed- but it's hot as balls outside today.
(also, as a side note, why does that phrase exist?)

Anyhoozle, i was thinking about what i want to do this summer. Jimmie (my psychic partner) told me to focus on me for the next 21 months. so what i have promptly done is...not that. time to make a change!
positivity! focusing inward! creating goals! staying away from angst and negative energy!! sure? i'll give it a try.

I am going on a summer vacation (italy, it will be so nice to see you again)- but the summer is oh so long and my vacation is teeny tiny short. so i have to start making plans for the rest of summer.

the following is the beginnings of my list of things to do in the summer of 2011 (which is not the summer of george, but might be the summer of diana- fingers crossed):

finally go to gettysburg (*there will be a whole other post about my new favorite book "the killer angels" and its amazingness/gettysburg)
tour the battleship new jersey
go back to the art museum
tour Eastern State Penitentiary
be able to run 5 miles
ride on a vespa
start hanging out with my new work friends...outside of work, thereby feeling like i am Actually friends with them
knit more hats- hats for everyone!
finish the scarf i started (side note- why do scarfs seem to take so much longer to knit than hats?)
picnic at valley forge
random weekend trip/road trip
kiss a sailor
become a more positive person
worry less
learn to bake something new
eat more seafood
go to Rohobeth!
spend 5 minutes each day thinking about all the good positive people in my life, instead of focusing too much energy on the bad ones (*also- get rid of negative people in my life)
tell people i care about that i care about them
pick up a cute guy on the train
finish cleaning out my apartment/streamlining my life and possessions
floss daily
laugh more

i think this is a good start. to be fair, i do have plans to do a number of these things- but hopefully come fall i will be able to say i've done them all!

stay tuned....


Kim said...

Late as this may be, I say beware of seemingly attractive men you meet on trains. They can be weird . . .

AP said...

I think you should also learn how to spell Rehoboth. ;)

DW said...

hahah yes probably, especially because i bought a sweatshirt that says it in bold letters...perhaps i'll take a look. :)