Tuesday, September 21, 2010

tonight i ran for 2.46 miles! more importantly, i ran for 5 1/2 minutes, then 7 minutes (!) and then another 7 minutes (!!) which makes a total of 19 1/2 minutes out of 30 that i spent running!

there are a lot of exclamation points up there because frankly running for 19 out of 30 minutes is not something i ever thought i was capable of doing. and here i am doing it!
even more interesting is that i actually LIKE running.

i ran saturday morning (not my best showing), sunday night, and tonight. and i have no intention of stopping. i want to run ideally every other day.
you know why? because i can see some improvement!
when i first started running i went under 2 miles in 25 minutes. and slowly i've been able to run a little bit more and for a little bit longer. and i think the ability to see improvement is what keeps me going. plus, i have a goal (and you know how i feel about goals), and every time i get closer to that goal i feel more proud of myself. which is kind of addicting actually. proving to yourself that you can do something that you never thought you could (no really, i Never thought this was possible. ever) is empowering.
and sadly (or not?) it's what's keeping me going right now.

i find that i want to write a lot. but i don't want to waste all the space on this blog complaining. that is boring for all of us. so for now, i'm saying that i am getting better at something! and running is one thing i feel like i have some small amount of control over! which is really important to me actually. so until i feel like i have something more important/better/more interesting to say, i'll just stick to talking about running.

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