Monday, July 5, 2010

my sister must hate me

i spent the long weekend visiting my family up in new york. it was a great time, overall. lots of good food, good company. fireworks, fun activities, etc.

you know what was not fun? the 10am spin class my sister took me to on sunday morning.

picture this:
9:30am- we get up and get into gym attire. head over to her gym and reserve our bikes. arielle has been going to spin three times a week. she loves it, and has been wanting me to go with her. i agreed, because i've heard good things and figured i could use the exercise.
9:55am- the teacher, erin, comes to help me fix my bike properly. i think the seat might have ended up too high, but what do i know.
10am- spin class starts.
10:07- i ask arielle how long this class lasts. i feel tired already. she tells me it's a 45 minute class. i begin to fear for my life.
10:12- i am not going to make it.
10:20- i have not adjusted the 'resistance knob' in about 18 minutes. am struggling to stay on the bike.
10:27- arielle tries to encourage me. says i should just put the resistance lower.... i tell her there is no lower.
10:35- ten more minutes. ten more minutes. i can do this.
10:37- erin puts on the pink song 'so what'. i am momentarily rejuvenated. i said momentarily.
10:45- i almost pass out. we sweat our way home.

spin. is. torture. i have never sweat so much in my entire life. thank goodness they give you towels, because otherwise i would have literally been swimming on my bike.
also- spin class is not made to be vagina-friendly. (i mean, it's not penis friendly either, but i can't speak from experience on that). bending over the seat like that is hard on the va-jay. mine was not pleased. i spent most of the class just peddling sitting up. i hope i wasn't too distracting for the people around me. but honestly, if it comes down to me trying to 'fit in' and damage my va-jay, or just barely peddle consistently while sparing my lady parts of additional pain- i'm going to choose my va-jay every time.

i do not know how arielle does that three times a week. she is way more courageous than i am. more power to you arielle, and god bless your poor va-jay jay. i'm sorry i didn't take to spin like you did. but i think i made a valiant effort. least i didn't give up.

1 comment:

Smelly said...

Thanks for your vote of confidence. I went again this morning! Maybe you would've liked Dianne's class better, but your vajayjay probably wouldn't have.

Btw, my vajayjay is just fine! She's adjusted accordingly... and padded pants help.