Tuesday, July 6, 2010

90 in fucking 90

pardon my language. but today is kind of an important day. today is day 90 in my 90 in 90 project. i did it! i made it a whole three months, blogging or going to the gym everyday. i made a goal, and i stuck to it.

and honestly, i'm quite proud of myself. i feel like i can do anything i want to, if i put my mind to it. i don't really like running, but maybe i'll take it up as a new hobby (not during the heat wave, of course). perhaps i really will learn to knit. or become a better cook (once my stove gets fixed: Tomorrow). or do ANYTHING I WANT. BECAUSE I CAN.

here is how my life has actually changed throughout this project:
i have lost six pounds
i have a subtle new found confidence
i think my legs are stronger
i have a lot of supportive friends (this isn't new, it's just nice to know)
oh yeah, i have a boyfriend. who is great.

is this all because i decided to commit myself to something for 90 days? i don't know. but i feel different somehow. i can see why addicts do 90 in 90's. how it can help shape their sobriety, provide a good basis for a new sober life. i now have a new foundation for...whatever it is i want to do now. and it's awesome.

honestly, i suggest everyone do something like this. challenge yourself. step outside the box. prove that you can do something you weren't sure about.

it's kind of cool when you prove yourself right.

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