Saturday, February 14, 2009


As i'm sure you can guess, Valentine's day is not my favorite day of the year. I'm past the point of wearing black- I just kind of do my best to ignore it. I'm perpetually single, and to date my favorite Valentine's day has been with Kim when we were in high school (?)- we got dressed up, made chocolate covered strawberries and watched Sense & Sensibility. Don't ask me why we dressed up. It made us feel better. The memory still makes me feel happy. And actually, I had 2 chocolate covered strawberries tonight. It's a nice Valentine's tradition, for the non-valentines day celebration.

You know, in preparation for today, I read the Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. It was both appropriate and on my list for the great book challenge, so I killed two birds with one stone. I read it 2 weeks ago, and it brought up some nice memories. Inevitably, the vagina monologues remind me of Hamilton, especially Laura, my feminist pro-vagina friend. (Not that i knew many people who were anti-vagina or anything.) We were in a performance of the vagina monologues our senior year at Hamilton. It happened to be a very trying time for me, and I found the experience to be therapeutic. I don't recall the name of my monologue (even though i recently re-read it), which i shared with two other girls. But i do remember my first line: "my vagina's angry. it is. it's pissed off". and at the time, it was. i was heartbroken and angry and feeling powerless and sad. and the vagina monologues helped me get some things off my chest, in front of a large group of people, by reciting some very serious, yet fun words, while wearing a pink boa. A yes, fond memories of V-Day that year. and Laura, my personal savior during that time. I probably never repaid her for that.

I can't believe February is half over. Time seems to keep flying by. My 5 year college reunion is in early June, the week after my sister gets married! This, of course, means I have to step up my gym routine to make sure I feel suitably thinnish for both occasions. But it's also just kind of weird to have such big events so close together. Lots to process. I don't even want to begin to think about it now.

Want to know what I did today? I got up, watched Friday Night Lights (sigh, the best show ever), went to the gym. Then I read a little, went grocery shopping, and made a trip to Pats for a cheesesteak. I had decided in advance that my Valentine's Day present to myself was a cheesesteak. I haven't had one in ages, and it was a guaranteed food orgasm. So I indulged, and it definitely lived up to the expectations. I also watched both my netflix movies, Vicky Christina Barcelona (one of my new favorite Woody Allen movies) and La Vie En Rose (depressing but impressive), went through my wardrobe and gathered a bag of clothes to donate, cleaned off my desk and dining room table of all the bills/mail/garbage, and cleaned my microwave (which was in desperate need of a good cleaning). Overall, i'd say I was quite productive, wouldn't you?

As for the Great Book Challenge: I read 'Loving Frank', by Nancy Horan. A truly wonderful book. I also read 'the Vagina Monologues', as i mentioned, by Eve Ensler. A quick read, and a good one. I'm now two chapters in to 'The Audacity of Hope' by our president- Barack Obama (written pre-presidency, of course). So far it's interesting, and makes me love him even more than i already did, which i didn't think was possible. I will continue to keep you posted- but so far i think i'm kicking this challenge's ass.

In any event, happy v-day to everyone. I hope you celebrated in any way you saw fit, and at least did something that made you smile.

1 comment:

DW said...

ok if you haven't cleaned the microwave since i gave it to you almost 2 years ago- that is your problem. i am not coming to clean it for you.