Thursday, March 5, 2009


So i've been gone for a bit. I was busy, then sick. And now i'm getting over my cold and things are going well so I thought it was time to return and share what i've been up to.

First things first- Marc Banks came to visit! It was very exciting, because in the three and a half years that i've lived here he's never come to visit before. (ahem). But he ventured down from Boston for a long weekend- and we had the Best. Time. Ever. Seriously.
Here's proof:
So, here's Marc posing at banana republic- he indulged me and tried on a lot of things. sadly, we left empty handed, but it was fun!

The picture of the two of us was in the back of autumn and aaron's car, when they graciously gave us a driving tour of the city at night.

Saturday morning (or afternoon...) we headed over to Reading Terminal so Marc could see Philly's version of Quincy Market. He enjoyed it.

Here we are in historic Philly. I'm serving up the Constitution center on a platter. Marc is really feeling Barry, behind Independence Hall. (for the record, i make most visitors do this pose for the camera. gotta love barry).

In other news, i've been hard at work reading books and tackling the Great Book Challenge of 2009. I finished Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope", which was interesting if maybe a little outdated given the current financial crisis and political landscape. I went on to read "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox", which was originally recommended to me by my old co-worker Vanessa. It was very haunting and interesting, but kind of stopped short of being great.
This past weekend I did something unexpected, I got a library card! I was staring at my list of books, and didn't feel compelled to pick any of them up, so instead of giving in and buying a book (boooo bad) i went to the nearest branch of the Philadelphia public library and signed on up! I got out two books, David Sedaris "holidays on ice"- which i promptly read, and further solidified my apathy towards David Sedaris. I know people love him and he's supposedly amazing, which is why i picked up the book (also it was right in front of me on a shelf as i began to browse)- but it didn't really do it for me. So I went back to my pile and picked up "the Tao of Pooh", which was given to me by Kim for christmas- and surprisingly i really liked it. I wasn't sure how i would do with a book relating eastern philosophy to Pooh (one of my favorite childhood characters), but i really liked it, and it actually did a good job explaining Taoism. So i learned something to boot!
Finally, i'm reading my other library book- Steve Martin's "Born Standing Up". I really wanted to buy this book, because I recently heard that Steve Martin released an album of banjo music (which is good and i plan on buying), and it made me want to learn more about him. And i have to tell you, i haven't loved Steve Martin's comedy (i tend to shy away from overly goofy/visual props) but i looooooove his book. Seriously. it's awesome. He's incredibly smart and funny and you can hear him telling you his story, which makes it feel very intimate and cool. So- everyone go read the book! Whether you love his comedy or not.
Next up i'm returning back to my pile o' books to master "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. It's a doosy, but i'm excited to tackle it and see if i learn a little something. I'll let you know how it goes.

And most importantly, i'm headed to New York this weekend to hang out w/ Arielle and Keith and Glenn (happy birthday boys!) and the Jons, arielle's fun friends from England! So- cold be gone! I have more important things to do!

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