Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Call of Duty

and no, i'm not talking about the video game. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so nervous about the election. I'm not taking anything for granted, and I can't read any more articles. Last night, I went to bed genuinely scared about what would happen today. Would people chicken out once they were alone in the voting booth? Is the Bradley effect a reality? How could we possibly deal if McCain won?
And I woke up- excited. Bubbly. Like a kid on the first day of school (well, if you were a dorky kid like me). I couldn't wait to vote!!! Seriously- I was so excited. I voted four years ago, but wasn't really excited about it. This time, I wanted to sit outside the polls all day and just watch people vote. That's how excited I am.
On my way to work the line to vote came out of the pizza shop (yes, i vote in a pizza shop) and went halfway down the block. at 8am! So I went on to work because I couldn't be late for my early clients. My kind and caring bosses at work let us go half an hour early today to get back home to vote- so when I did get to my pizza shop- the line was gone! It was fate! I stepped into the booth and kissed my Obama vote up to God, pressed the button, and smiled with glee. I get to vote. I get to make a difference. Sure, i'm one person. You're one person. We're all only one person. But together, we really can change the world. And tonight, fingers crossed, we will win.
I may stay up all night to witness the change I want actually happen. If Obama wins, I will be really proud of our country. I will get to tell my children and grandchildren that I participated in the election of the first African American President. And that I supported him 150%. I don't know if people really understand what a big deal that is. yes, we as a country have come a long way since slavery. But the civil rights movement was only 40-50 years ago. In our parent's lifetimes there was inequality and segregation and discrimination. And tonight Barack Obama will hopefully become the leader of our nation. This is huge. Really huge.
And I could not be more proud to be a part of it.

1 comment:

katieandandy said...

My thoughts exactly.

Since you voted in a pizza shop, did you get free pizza? We went to our polling station at 6:40am (the polls in VA opened at 6am) and waited for about an hour and ten minutes to vote. Even though it may have been a bit annoying to wait that long (coworkers of mine waited up to three hours), it actually made me happy. The long lines meant that people actually cared enough to get out there and vote.