Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Bad for a Tuesday


It's Tuesday. After 10. I'm drunk. And really happy actually. After somewhat of a long day at work, I came home feeling somewhat ill- and promptly received a phone call from Jared- my long lost best friend. It was really good catching up w/ him, and he made my stomach feel miraculously better. Which was good, cause I invited people over for dinner. So i got to work making mom's recipe of chicken w/ cheese and string beans (w/ a packet of yellow rice). The food came out surprisingly well ( i didn't set off the smoke alarm once- even when pre-frying the chicken) and everyone seemed to like it. We also shared, and finished off, the largest bottle of wine ever. I think I had 4 glasses all by myself. Now for me, who doesn't drink very often- this is enough to make me wasted. walking funny, tangential thoughts, talking about embarrassing stories from my youth drunk. and you know what? I had fun. My girlfriends are awesome- and i really enjoyed sitting around talking about life and drivers tests and tv and baby names and music.

Now, i'm watching Fringe before i go to bed. Not always the best idea, watching a show about scientific oddities before bed. But i like pacey. so here i am. Tomorrow, I have a 12 hour day at work, and will probably be hung over before it all even starts. but for today, I couldn't have asked for a better tuesday night.

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