Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Night, and not any Blues in sight

I'm the type of person who has the sunday night blues. not really 'blues' in that i'm sad or anything. i just feel kind of anxious about the week. will i get to sleep? did i get everything done i needed to get done this weekend? what's coming up this week? it's not my most proud feature, but hey, there it is.
however, tonight i am not really feel very blue. i'm just tired. overtired, probably. i took the psychology gre on saturday- which i'd been studying for for two months straight. and today i went to an open house at chestnut hill college. another thing to cross off my list. the only thing standing in the way of me and thailand now is 2 applications, the essays for those applications, packing, oh, and about 20 clients. but it's getting closer!
i did something today i hadn't done in a while. well, two things actually. the first is i went for a drive. to a new place, to look around. well, technically chestnut hill isn't 'new'. but it is cute, and i hadn't been there in a while. and it made me feel good to get out and just drive for a little while.
the second thing was revisit some old music. i bit the bullet today and sat down to write my application essay. i figured it was about time, since you know, the application is going out this week. i put on Radiohead- the Bends. possibly one of my top 5 all time favorite albums. I was a latecomer to radiohead, only being introduced to them formally senior year of college. but let me tell you, this album got me through the entire spring semester of my senior year. i probably wouldn't have written a thesis without radiohead. so here i was- writersblock, a deadline- i went to my old friends. and it worked! i blared 'fake plastic trees' and words started flowing. what can i say, some things don't change. be thankful for small miracles.

1 comment:

kellywalsh said...

DIANA! I just finished reading this blog post and literally 2 minutes later fake plastic trees comes on my pandora radio thingy!!!!! that's crazy! That just blew my mind a little bit.

also, I really love your blog.