Tuesday, May 19, 2009


something weird happened to me today. well, i suppose i should start from the beginning. i had a good weekend, but i've been spending too much time alone. i went all weekend basically by myself, (because i refuse to count the washing machine repair lady)- and i'm totally ok with that, except that it has been happening a lot lately, and the effects are starting to show. i don't do well with prolonged isolation. i get sad and lonely and depressed. exhibit a- i bought 4 pairs of earrings on sunday. pure sign of me needing to be around more people. i like the earrings, but i fall into the popular category of spending money to make myself feel better. a bad habit, i might admit.

so i called my mother on monday. something i'm also used to doing when i feel sad and isolated (among other reasons...i talk to her a lot). i promptly announced that while i knew i'd be here for at least another year, i was 'kind of done' with philadelphia. she was supportive and gave me a brief lecture about joining groups like i was in need of high school extra curriculars. hey, she tried.

and then today, work was super busy. my boss was in 'let's give diana extra work so i don't have to do it' mode, and i had lots of people to see and paperwork to do and little down time. so the day went by fast. after work i did something new and different- went out with coworkers. i am shy. i am not super friendly with my coworkers, but this nice nutritionist bethany is leaving tomorrow to move to san fransisco w/ her new doctor husband for his residency. so she organized a bowling outing for people from work tonight. i, i have to admit, like bowling. if it was like 'oh we're going to a bar' i most likely would have passed. but bowling? i can bowl (kind of). and my large feet certainly look fantastic in bowling shoes. and they were going to this bowling alley i'd never been to in northern liberties- so i listened to the voice of autumn in my head saying " you should go and be social. you aren't making new friends on your couch" and i thought 'ok autumn, you are probably right. i need to get out a little more. this would be a nice way to get to know my coworkers more'. and i WENT.
even more than that- i drove up to northern liberties, and when i got there, i completely fell back in love with philadelphia. because that's the thing. philadelphia is a very neighborhoody city. it's like a bunch of fun different cities, rolled into one. well, whatever you know what i mean. and i'd heard good things about northern liberties, but it looks so cool! there are all these cool looking restaurants and bars! and organic food stores! and hipster looking people! and this funky little bowling alley where it only costs $7 a game and they serve tater tots. you heard me. tater tots. what's not to love about a neighborhood like this?

so i went, and bowled a game (57), and mingled with coworker, laughed a bit, ate some tots. and came home. and i was happy.

i then watched american idol at the gym, and by the way i got these new gym pants over the weekend at old navy and i am obsessed with them. i even kind of like the way i look in them. and they're spandex-y. so they must be magical. and as for american idol, i know everyone says adam is going to win b/c he's the best. but i've always been a kris allen fan. he makes me want to make out every time i see his adorable face. and i thought adam sucked at the last song, which is horrible btw (ahem, kara dioguardi) and kris did better at it even though he forgot some words and it was high for him. but they both had strong moments in their other songs. so i honestly don't know how that's going to turn out. but i'm excited for tomorrow!

and to top off my day, i watched 'glee'. and FELL IN LOVE WITH IT, CAUSE IT'S THE BEST SHOW EVER. i'm sorry, songs about high school choirs rock. not like i can think of any predecessors, but it should be a given. and doing journey's 'don't stop believing'? genius. genius. i think i may download it on itunes to watch when i need a pick me up.

so, after today i'm kinda thinking maybe i'm not done with philadelphia after all. after all i haven't explored all the neighborhoods, or gone on enough awkward dates, or eaten enough cheesesteaks, or figured out what the fuck the rest of my life is gonna look like.
and i have plenty of time for all that.

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