Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Antsy in my Pantsy

I'm restless. I feel like this more often than I should, i guess. But i just get bored and want something to happen. something to make me think, something to make me feel. something to make me move. just something. and i started to get that feeling today at work.
my mom says it's because when my brain isn't doing anything i get like this. perhaps she is right. i don't like to admit those things.

see, i created a new life plan. i call it my 3 year plan, but it could conceivably be done in 2 years. after some long hard thinking, i've decided not to go and get my PsyD. (although I was accepted into Immaculata's program) It's just not for me. I don't want to commit the next five years of my life to working my ass off in school and with a full time job, to get a degree that won't change my life. So instead, i'm going to change my life. Not like, right now or anything, but in the long run. The plan is to get my clinical license (LCSW) over the summer, and ask for a raise (and probably get turned down for said raise). In the fall I will enroll in one or two classes at Chestnut Hill college in trauma studies. They have a trauma studies certificate program that is only 6 classes, and i should be able to complete it in a year or so, while working. It's a much cheaper and more to the point option of furthering my training and education. Then i'll look for a job working with veterans with PTSD. After doing that for a while, i'll re-evaulate and maybe leave philly, or come up with a new plan.
so that's it.

i like my plan. the trouble is, it's still march. and the plan doesn't really go into effect for a few months. so what to do until then? tread water. that's what. and treading water makes me restless. i'm not even enjoying my latest book that much. i'm reading 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins. i went in with high hopes, but he seems to be hell bent on converting people to atheism, and that's not really my bag. and furthermore, i dont like feeling defensive about my beliefs, how small or irrational they may be. they're mine. so i'm basically reading the book for it's scientific facts and arguments, which are interesting at times. but i can't wait to move on to something else. kind of like with the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Closeted Art Historian said...

This post reminds me why you'll always be one of my dearest friends. We process the world in very similar ways at times.

We need to get together soon. Trust me when I say I know exactly what antsy feels like, and I'm super envious of your plan.