Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 to 2013, a year in review and the year ahead

Welcome to 2013!

After a very relaxing and reflective few days i'm ready to share some of my highlights from the past year and goals for the year ahead.

2012 was a pretty big year. It wasn't the best ever (my apartment did get broken into and I fell into a bit of a depression for a little bit there towards the end) but there were a lot of good things too!

for instance: i now wear eye liner on a semi-regular basis and it looks normal! i finally figure out how to incorporate yellow into my wardrobe without me looking sickly! my washing machine hasn't broken down in a while (let's knock on wood for that one) and my adorable boyfriend gave me a kindle and his google tv to help bring me into the 21st century. i also started watching The West Wing for the first time- and it has completely sucked me in and made me feel happy and proud to be an educated American woman. (plus, it was much more entertaining than the actual election this past fall. President Obama, I Love You).
oh, right, i am now in a working and lasting relationship- with mike, of all people. i don't mean that as an insult, sometimes i'm as surprised as anyone- given that last new years i swore him off and now he is my devoted and very caring boyfriend. but life happens. i'm going with it.
i also managed to start my private practice- and struggled with the feelings of longing for validation and crushing failure that have come with it. but in the end i set a goal to see clients privately, and i've made $150 from seeing clients. so it wasn't a complete failure, just not exactly the success i was hoping for (yet). i have decided to keep trying for now, but this is really another topic for another post altogether.

so. new years. what do i want from my 2013? i am turning 30 in 15 days. i did not do a "30 in 30" thing beforehand, which is something that sounds like me, because of the holidays and the likelihood of my sticking to anything while attending holiday parties and eating my body weight in my mom's lasagna and cookies. also....i couldn't really think of anything i wanted to do.
but while watching some holiday movies just before christmas i stumbled upon Bridget Jones's Diary (aka- one of my favorite books/movies of all time) and felt suddenly inspired to keep a diary. i think one of the things i want to really work on in 2013 is writing. i've had so much to say this year- but the idea of putting it all down and polishing it for the eyes of other people felt overwhelming and daunting. so it went unwritten- and that is just unsatisfying. so i'm gonna change it. i'm going to try to be more disciplined and write daily (or as close to daily as possible). no daily. i will do it.
some of my other goals: floss more. continue trying to incorporate yellow and other happy flair to my wardrobe. wear all the bangle bracelets my sister gave me for christmas. cook more! also, trust myself more- my voice and my decisions. I want to be happy and go on adventures and trust that i'll know how to deal with things as they come, and write about them as they pass. so let's see what 2013 has to offer. as mike reminded me earlier, it's a new year! the world is our oyster.

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