Monday, October 12, 2009

my summer, in summary

so. kind of left you hanging there for a moment (or a few months). sorry about that. things got busy. wanna see?

So arielle got married- these are some of my favorite pictures from the night! it was the perfect night-

weather was amazing, food was delicious, company was legendary. :) and by now, arielle and ben are over 4 months happily married!

Next up was my Hamilton 5-Year reunion. I can't believe it has been five years, but alas, it was. and it definitely was a time....

it was amazing seeing lissa and celine and staying in our own little suite on the dark side. not that we spent much time there... we were too busy getting chauffered around by cab hamilton (a soon to be senior math a music major who drove us around on his golf cart all weekend). because thats how alums should be treated...

The end of june brought a week-long cruise to Alaska w/ the Ransom family. God i love the Ransom family. we played a lot of cards and word games, as well as, you know- sightseeing around Alaska. which is beautiful, by the way. insanely beautiful:

this is in juneau and yukon territory. big in the gold rush in the 1800s (i'm embarassed that i can't remember the exact years)

And to the left here are glaciers from glacier bay. a whole day of staring at this right in front of my eyes. i actually had tears at some point because it was so beautiful. Probably the most memorable thing about the trip. I totally suggest going to alaska if you get the chance.

Let's see- next I think was my mom's birthday trip to Lancaster. She wanted to go antiquing, Arielle and I obliged:
we like to take pictures with cows...

ummm what else. right, that leads us to autumn's bachelorette party! the final weekend before labor day- there was alcohol, penis straws, and a lovely scavenger hunt list...mostly though there were some pretty ladies....

So that about wraps up my summer! i think you are all up to speed.

of course, there's the whole pete situation to explain, but that's another story for another night.

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