Sunday, March 29, 2009

thunderstorms and other thoughts

they have been predicting a thunderstorm all week. rain, showers, mist, storms. but really the weather wasn't too bad. it was misty yesterday, but nowhere near as bad as they said. then today, after my wonderful day of shopping/errands/relaxing, the storm came. it was brief, but fantastic.
i love thunderstorms- the intense kind where the sky turns green and the raindrops are huge and pounding. you can hear the crack of the lightning and thunder, and then within minutes it's gone.
i had this memory today, during the thunderstorm. i thought about people who hate thunderstorms, and was wondering if gizmo was afraid, and i remembered why i love them. When i was younger, in our old house, my mom had this porch off her bedroom. it had old, creaky furniture- and as time went by we hardly went out there. but when we were young, one day, my mom took us to sit out there during a storm. I think there was a hurricane watch or something, but man, was it storming. we sat on the creaky couch, and she wrapped us up in a blanket as we watched the storm. she made it safe and interesting and special. we sat and watched the sky as the wind and rain swirled around us. and it was awesome.

in other news, things are going well. i'm almost done w/ the god delusion- finally. i'm ready to move on to some good fiction. and it's almost april! time is movingly along shockingly fast. which is a good thing i guess. i'm feeling pretty good, although i could use some more gym time (and maybe some more motivation) and less snacking before this wedding. i've recently become obsessed w/ trail mix- and i make my own from various mixings at wegmans- namely almonds, craisins, raisins, walnuts and chocolate covered raisins. yum. i seem to think this is good for me and i can eat it by the pound. in reality, moderation is key. but hey, i'm still working on it. thats what april is for.
also- i realize that i watch a lot of tv. like, a lot. and i have some thoughts i wanted to share on some of my shows. because, well, just because. ok so american idol- scott blind guy macintire needs to go. yes fine, he's talented for a blind piano player/singer, but he ain't that talented, and he's annoying. also annoying? the fact that they lip synced their group number from last week. lame. oh also- megan joy corkrey? get the hell outta there too. your 'quirky' vocal stylings are not to my liking and i think you're dumb. please leave. i love matt giraud and anoop, and david gokey, although really gokey- tone down the smug attitude. you're a good singer, not michael jackson. work at it a little. oh and can we take off alison's bottom braces please? or hello- ivisiline? you're on tv. i know you're 16- but come on.
moving onto more positive thoughts, saving grace on tnt is an awesome show, and i think everyone should check it out. holly hunter is amazing. she deserves lots of awards. although she is a bit skinny. also- heroes, not so bad this season, if you've stopped watching it cause it sucked, you might want to revisit. and if you want a good new show, try 'lie to me' on fox wednesdays. its cool. and tim roth is really good in it. another thing, grey's anatomy is getting interesting w/ the whole 'izzy being sick' thing. i almost cried last week. it's been a while since that show made me tear up. although i kind of hope they kill her, but they probably won't. i also like owen hunt and his ptsd symptoms. i like shows that can educate the public about real issues that i am interested in. even if it's grey's anatomy. and finally, how i met your mother is still my favorite comedy, it should be yours too, please watch friday night lights on friday for your health and mine, and greek is starting tomorrow night (on abc family), if that's your thing. ok- those are my thoughts on tv. phew.

i got this new nail color today- plum seduction. i think i'm obsessed with it. i hope the weather stays nice this week so i can wear a dress. i love spring dresses. crap, i'm way too wired to go to bed. guess i'll go pound out some god delusion to make me tired. enjoy the rest of your sunday. it was a good one.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Antsy in my Pantsy

I'm restless. I feel like this more often than I should, i guess. But i just get bored and want something to happen. something to make me think, something to make me feel. something to make me move. just something. and i started to get that feeling today at work.
my mom says it's because when my brain isn't doing anything i get like this. perhaps she is right. i don't like to admit those things.

see, i created a new life plan. i call it my 3 year plan, but it could conceivably be done in 2 years. after some long hard thinking, i've decided not to go and get my PsyD. (although I was accepted into Immaculata's program) It's just not for me. I don't want to commit the next five years of my life to working my ass off in school and with a full time job, to get a degree that won't change my life. So instead, i'm going to change my life. Not like, right now or anything, but in the long run. The plan is to get my clinical license (LCSW) over the summer, and ask for a raise (and probably get turned down for said raise). In the fall I will enroll in one or two classes at Chestnut Hill college in trauma studies. They have a trauma studies certificate program that is only 6 classes, and i should be able to complete it in a year or so, while working. It's a much cheaper and more to the point option of furthering my training and education. Then i'll look for a job working with veterans with PTSD. After doing that for a while, i'll re-evaulate and maybe leave philly, or come up with a new plan.
so that's it.

i like my plan. the trouble is, it's still march. and the plan doesn't really go into effect for a few months. so what to do until then? tread water. that's what. and treading water makes me restless. i'm not even enjoying my latest book that much. i'm reading 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins. i went in with high hopes, but he seems to be hell bent on converting people to atheism, and that's not really my bag. and furthermore, i dont like feeling defensive about my beliefs, how small or irrational they may be. they're mine. so i'm basically reading the book for it's scientific facts and arguments, which are interesting at times. but i can't wait to move on to something else. kind of like with the rest of my life.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So i've been gone for a bit. I was busy, then sick. And now i'm getting over my cold and things are going well so I thought it was time to return and share what i've been up to.

First things first- Marc Banks came to visit! It was very exciting, because in the three and a half years that i've lived here he's never come to visit before. (ahem). But he ventured down from Boston for a long weekend- and we had the Best. Time. Ever. Seriously.
Here's proof:
So, here's Marc posing at banana republic- he indulged me and tried on a lot of things. sadly, we left empty handed, but it was fun!

The picture of the two of us was in the back of autumn and aaron's car, when they graciously gave us a driving tour of the city at night.

Saturday morning (or afternoon...) we headed over to Reading Terminal so Marc could see Philly's version of Quincy Market. He enjoyed it.

Here we are in historic Philly. I'm serving up the Constitution center on a platter. Marc is really feeling Barry, behind Independence Hall. (for the record, i make most visitors do this pose for the camera. gotta love barry).

In other news, i've been hard at work reading books and tackling the Great Book Challenge of 2009. I finished Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope", which was interesting if maybe a little outdated given the current financial crisis and political landscape. I went on to read "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox", which was originally recommended to me by my old co-worker Vanessa. It was very haunting and interesting, but kind of stopped short of being great.
This past weekend I did something unexpected, I got a library card! I was staring at my list of books, and didn't feel compelled to pick any of them up, so instead of giving in and buying a book (boooo bad) i went to the nearest branch of the Philadelphia public library and signed on up! I got out two books, David Sedaris "holidays on ice"- which i promptly read, and further solidified my apathy towards David Sedaris. I know people love him and he's supposedly amazing, which is why i picked up the book (also it was right in front of me on a shelf as i began to browse)- but it didn't really do it for me. So I went back to my pile and picked up "the Tao of Pooh", which was given to me by Kim for christmas- and surprisingly i really liked it. I wasn't sure how i would do with a book relating eastern philosophy to Pooh (one of my favorite childhood characters), but i really liked it, and it actually did a good job explaining Taoism. So i learned something to boot!
Finally, i'm reading my other library book- Steve Martin's "Born Standing Up". I really wanted to buy this book, because I recently heard that Steve Martin released an album of banjo music (which is good and i plan on buying), and it made me want to learn more about him. And i have to tell you, i haven't loved Steve Martin's comedy (i tend to shy away from overly goofy/visual props) but i looooooove his book. Seriously. it's awesome. He's incredibly smart and funny and you can hear him telling you his story, which makes it feel very intimate and cool. So- everyone go read the book! Whether you love his comedy or not.
Next up i'm returning back to my pile o' books to master "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. It's a doosy, but i'm excited to tackle it and see if i learn a little something. I'll let you know how it goes.

And most importantly, i'm headed to New York this weekend to hang out w/ Arielle and Keith and Glenn (happy birthday boys!) and the Jons, arielle's fun friends from England! So- cold be gone! I have more important things to do!