Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ok. We're seven days into the new year. I've already painted one wall in my apartment (its an accent wall, i'm not just being lazy), had one major freak out, talked myself out of said freak out, corrected my posture three times, and have become completely obsessed with the Twilight series (but bought no new books!). I'm kind of tired.

Here is my accent wall- i love it:

Good color, right? It's jalepeno red. Very warm and inviting.

And alright so Twilight? I don't know what happened... I saw the movie and got curious. The writing is not stellar, but I got drawn into the story, and find myself having to ration out the chapters so I don't finish the book before getting the next one (wink wink Kim- bring me the next one friday!) in any event- my obsession probably has to do with my lack of real life at the moment. but it's only seven days in- there's still time for me to salvage 2009. I think- so far, so good! or so ok at least.

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