Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Bad for a Tuesday


It's Tuesday. After 10. I'm drunk. And really happy actually. After somewhat of a long day at work, I came home feeling somewhat ill- and promptly received a phone call from Jared- my long lost best friend. It was really good catching up w/ him, and he made my stomach feel miraculously better. Which was good, cause I invited people over for dinner. So i got to work making mom's recipe of chicken w/ cheese and string beans (w/ a packet of yellow rice). The food came out surprisingly well ( i didn't set off the smoke alarm once- even when pre-frying the chicken) and everyone seemed to like it. We also shared, and finished off, the largest bottle of wine ever. I think I had 4 glasses all by myself. Now for me, who doesn't drink very often- this is enough to make me wasted. walking funny, tangential thoughts, talking about embarrassing stories from my youth drunk. and you know what? I had fun. My girlfriends are awesome- and i really enjoyed sitting around talking about life and drivers tests and tv and baby names and music.

Now, i'm watching Fringe before i go to bed. Not always the best idea, watching a show about scientific oddities before bed. But i like pacey. so here i am. Tomorrow, I have a 12 hour day at work, and will probably be hung over before it all even starts. but for today, I couldn't have asked for a better tuesday night.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Double Feature

I've just started my weekend, and i've gotta say- it's gonna be a good one. I went straight from work to my favorite unassumingly large movie theatre, where i promptly used a free movie pass for a ticket to Nights in Rodanthe. I feel like it should be pronounced RodanTH, but the E is prominent, RodanTHEEE. Which is odd. In any event, it was typical nicholas sparks fare (except not as good as the notebook, come on) but it was free. I splurged on popcorn and a soda since i didn't have to pay for my movie ticket, and cause a girl's gotta eat.
Next i went through all the theaters on the first floor of the riverview, cause i had some time to kill before Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Oh yes, my friend, oh yes. I saw two different parts of Eagle Eye, a little of the new Republican farce An American Carol, and umm, about 45 min- to an hour of Miracle at St. Anna, which was pretty good actually.
Then I moved on upstairs to the main event. I figured it was playing upstairs, since it was nowhere to be found on the first floor. So i went up there and to the bathroom, where i asked some high school chick who was obviously going to see Nick and Norah's which theatre it was in. Here are my reactions: First of all, Norah is my daughter's name- only i plan on spelling it Nora, jury's still out on the h. I am slightly worried that people will start stealing it now that it's a movie character name. Anyways, Secondly, its a wonderful piece of cinematic magic. It warmed my heart. It was just what I always wanted in a friday night michael cera music related teenage romady (get it? romantic comedy? who needs rom-com...). Mainly, because I love michael cera. love. not in the same way i love jim from the office, but in a 'hey, i'd like to be your best friend' awkward way. I think he'd appreciate it, i think we could have a magical friendship of awkward moments and too much information. In any event the movie is fun, the characters are fun (he's in a band with 2 gay guys, perfect), and the music is fun. GO SEE IT. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.

so after my two and a half feature (all for the price of popcorn and a soda, mind you) i found my way home, and am downloading music and listening to wxpn, while my perfect cat purrs beside me. I'd say it's basically the perfect start to the weekend, wouldn't you?